Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Treatment options for Visceral Leishmaniasis in HIV-coinfected people include oral miltefosine; find additional information on diagnosis and ART treatment.
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Youtube Video - Explainity
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Youtube Video
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Youtube Video
Video last accessed on 04.06.2023
Video Dailymotion
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Although estimated to cause the ninth largest disease burden among individual infectious diseases, leishmaniasis is largely ignored in discussions of tropical disease priorities [1,2]. This consignment to critical oblivion results from its complex epidemiology and ecology, the lack of simple, easily...-applied tools for case management and the paucity of current incidence data, and often results in a failure on the part of policy-makers to recognize its importance [3,4]. Based on the World Health Assembly Resolu tion 2007/60.13, the World Health Organization (WHO) convened the Expert Committee on Leishmaniasis in March 2010, which subsequently issued the first updated technical report on leishmaniasis in more than 20 years [5,6].
Website last accessed on 07.06.2023 is an initiative of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre (UCM), the National Centre of Microbiology (ISCIII), the Animal Protection Centre (Madrid City Council) and the Directorate of Public Health (Regional Government of Madrid). This proj...ect launches the possibility of collaboration with other research centres, feeding the site with updated information on this disease.
Leishmaniosis prevention and control should include novel communication strategies that must be easily accesible and would include new advances in the knowledge of the disease. Recently, other animals different than dogs have been described as competent reservoirs of Leishmania, playing an important epidemiological role in recent outbreaks in Europe and Asia. At the moment, most of the information available is fundamentally devoted to humans and dogs, and there is no a global approach to the disease, taking into account all possible reservoirs.
The contents are available in Spanish and English, and come from the knowledge and experience in the disease of the above mentioned organisms, including research and information outreach.
The result is a website mainly focused on dissemination of the fundamental aspects for the control and prevention of the disease, taking into account that leishmaniosis due to its zoonotic condition, requires a multidisciplinary vision in accordance with the "One Health" principles. The web is complemented by a collaborative tool where the registered research groups can present themselves and disseminate their research results, therefore providing updated information on the scientific advances in the disease control.
Diagnosis, Case Management Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis
Website last accessed on 08.06.2023
Website last accessed on 08.06.2023
Contains data from World Health Organization's data portal covering the following categories:
Mortality and global health estimates, Sustainable development goals, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Health systems, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Child health, Infec...tious diseases, Neglected Tropical Diseases, World Health Statistics, Health financing, Tobacco, Substance use ...
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a well-known neglected parasitic disease. However, evidence supporting the four current treatment modalities is inadequate, and treatment options remain controversial. The aim of this work is to analyse the available data to answer clinical questions regarding medical t...reatment of CE.
Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are targeted for global control or elimination. Recognising that the populations most in need of medicines to target NTDs are those least able to support and sustain them financially, the pharmaceutical industry created mechanisms for donating medicines and to affected countries through partnerships with the WHO, development agencies, non-governmental organisations and philanthropic donors. In the last 30 y, companies have established programmes to donate 17 different medicines to overcome the burden of NTDs. Billions of tablets, capsules, intravenous and oral solutions have been donated, along with the manufacturing, supply chains and research necessary to support these efforts. Industry engagement has stimulated other donors to support NTDs with funds and oversight so that the ‘heath benefit’ return on investment in these programmes is truly a ‘best value in public health’. Many current donations are ‘open-ended’, promising support as long as necessary to achieve defined health targets. Extraordinary global health advances have been made in filariasis, onchocerciasis, trachoma, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, intestinal parasites and others; and these advances are taking place in the context of strengthening health systems and meeting the global development goals espoused by the WHO. The pharmaceutical manufacturers, already strong collaborators in initiating or supporting these disease-targeted programmes, have committed to continuing their partnership roles in striving to meet the targets of the WHO’s new NTD roadmap to 2030.
Las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (ETV) son enfermedades infecciosas propagadas por organismos intermediarios como insectos hematófagos, garrapatas, ácaros, caracoles y roedores, que transmiten virus, parásitos y bacterias a los seres humanos. Estas enfermedades son la causa de una notab...le carga de enfermedad y mortalidad, que afecta a las personas enfermas, sus familias y sus comunidades. En la presente publicación se revisan y actualizan los principales métodos e indicadores de vigilancia entomológica, así como las medidas de control vectorial utilizadas contra las ETV en la Región de las Américas. Su elaboración se inscribe en la misión de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) de desarrollar actividades encaminadas a fortalecer la capacidad y las buenas prácticas entomológicas en salud pública de los países de la Región. Asimismo, el contenido se ha armonizado con los principios y fundamentos del marco estratégico mundial de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el manejo integrado de vectores, adoptado como referencia técnica por la OPS para la organización y la estructuración de los programas de control de vectores en la Región. Se trata de un trabajo exhaustivo e integral que proporciona a los responsables de los programas nacionales de control vectorial, epidemiólogos, entomólogos y otros interesados directos acceso rápido a la información más relevante disponible.
Website last accessed on 23.06.2023
El micetoma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica y progresivamente destructiva que afecta a la piel, el tejido subcutáneo, el músculo y el hueso.
Chronic manifestations of Chagas disease present as disabling and life-threatening conditions affecting mainly the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. Although meaningful research has outlined the different molecular mechanisms underlying Trypanosoma cruzi’s infection and the host-parasit...e interactions that follow, prompt diagnosis and treatment remain a challenge, particularly in developing countries and also in those where the disease is considered non-endemic. This review intends to present an up-to-date review of the parasite’s life cycle, genetic diversity, virulence
factors, and infective mechanisms, as well as the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment options of the main chronic complications of Chagas disease.
Effective monitoring, epidemiological assessment and evaluation are necessary to achieve the aim of interrupting LF transmission. This manual is designed to ensure that national elimination programmes have available the best information on methodologies and procedures for monitoring MDA, assessing when infection has been reduced to levels where transmission is likely no longer sustainable, implementing adequate surveillance after MDA has ceased to determine whether recrudescence has occurred, and preparing for verification of the absence of transmission. The manual provides general guidance to national programmes; relevant background information on technical issues is contained in the annexes. As real-life situations may not correspond to predefined categories, consultation with WHO and experts is recommended in complicated situations.
Monitoramento efetivo, avaliação epidemiológica e análise subsequente são
necessários para atingir o objetivo de interromper a transmissão da FL. Este manual foi
elaborado para oferecer aos programas nacionais de eliminação da fi lariose informação de qualidade sobre metodologias e proc...edimentos para monitoramento dos TC, avaliação adequada sobre se e quando ocorreu redução da infecção a níveis em que a transmissão provavelmente não é mais sustentável, implementação de vigilância adequada após a interrupção dos TCs para estabelecer se está ocorrendo recrudescência e medidas para comprovação da ausência de transmissão. O Manual oferece orientação geral aos programas nacionais e informações relevantes sobre questões técnicas são apresentadas nos anexos. Como as circunstâncias da vida real podem não corresponder a categorias pré-defi nidas, recomenda-se que se consultem a OMS e especialistas em situações complexas.
The content of these guidelines goes beyond the technicalities of medical needs with additional insights into community empowerment, possible access to welfare and economic opportunities and similar issues. If these are adequately explored, the health and quality of life of people affected and their... families would be greatly restored.