Video with English Subtitles
MSD Manual Patient information
Enfermedad de Chagas. Comic
Last accessed on 12.03.2023
The BeatChagas Platform is the channel used by the Technical Group No. 6 in Information, Education and Communication (*TG6IEC-Chagas*) of the WHO Chagas Programme to communicate and share information, education and communication (IEC) tools related to the problem of Ch...agas.
Website last accessed on 10.04.2023
The Chagas disease is frequently referred to as the effects that the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) has on people’s health. However, from our perspective, Chagas is much more than that: it is a complex socioenvironmental health problem in which elemen...ts of different nature converge and interact. The biomedical and epidemiological aspects, which are most frequently addressed, are only a piece of the puzzle that needs to be complete in order to understand Chagas in all its complexity. Social, environmental, economic, political, cultural, and educational elements turn out to be essential in comprehending the magnitude of the problem without prejudice or stigmatizations.
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Chagas Disease - Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment from the MSD Manuals - Medical Consumer Version.
Website last accessed on 09.04.2023
Youtube Video - Documentário Doença de Chagas
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Website last accessed on 12.03.2023
Hemos considerado relevante la elaboración de audios, para diversificar los formatos a través de los cuales llegar a las personas en general, y a los equipos de salud en particular. Cuidamos que estos sean representativos de las experiencias de las personas q...ue se encuentran en la condición de portadores del Trypanosoma cruzi o equipos de salud. Considerando, en cada uno de ellos, y en su conjunto, la perspectiva de género, cultural, y diversidades, sobre la base del derecho a la salud.
A través de la investigación, la formación y la creación de sinergias con otros centros y organizaciones, buscamos dotar de mayor visibilidad y recursos la lucha contra esta enfermedad desatendida.
Websites last accessed on 04.04.2023
Chagas disease, also known as the “kissing disease,” is considered one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), which are diseases that have been forgotten by developed countries because they usually plague lower-income countries.
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
إن داء شاغاس المعروف أيضا باسم داء المثقبيات الأمريكي، مرض قد يكون مهدداً للحياة يسببه الطفيلي الأوّالي المعروف باسم المِثْقَبِيَّة الكروزيَّة.
Болезнь Шагаса, известная также как американский трипаносомоз, — потенциально опасное для жизни заболевание, вызываемое простейшим паразитом Trypanosoma cruzi.