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Website last accessed on 14.04.2023 Les trématodes d'origine alimentaire sont des zoonoses et leurs agents pathogènes ne peuvent être transmis à l'homme qu'après avoir accompli un cycle de vie complexe, dont certaines étapes se déroulent dans un hôte animal intermédiaire. Les premiers h... more
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023 Трематодозы пищевого происхождения являются зоонозами, и их возбудители могут передаваться человеку только после завершения сложного жизне... more
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023 Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr... more
WHO promotes the inclusion of foodborne trematodiases among the targets of preventive chemotherapy interventions. With the aim of providing access to quality medicines, WHO has negotiated with Novartis Pharma AG whereby Novartis donates triclabendazole for the treatment of fascioliasis and paragonim... more
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023 Food-borne trematode infections are zoonotic, and their pathogens can be transmitted to humans only after the completion of a complex life cycle, some stages of which take place in the body of an intermediate animal host. The first intermediate hosts of all tr... more
Foodborne trematodiases are caused by parasitic trematode worms. People become infected by eating raw or undercooked fish, crustaceans and vegetables that contain the larval worms.
Website last accessed ob 14.04.2023 Los trematodos transmitidos por los alimentos son zoonosis y sus patógenos sólo pueden transmitirse al ser humano tras completar un complejo ciclo vital, algunas de cuyas etapas tienen lugar en un hospedador animal intermediario. El primer hospedador interme... more
Fascioliasis is an animal parasitic disease (in cattle and sheep, but also pigs, donkeys, Llamas and alpacas that can be transmitted to humans. The infection is caught when aquatic or semi-aquatic plants with the larvae of the worm attached to their stem or leaves are ingested raw or poorly cooked. ... more
Foodborne trematode infections cause 2 million life years lost to disability and death worldwide every year. People become infected by eating raw fish, crustaceans or vegetables that harbour the parasite larvae. Foodborne trematodiases are most prevalent in East Asia and South America. Foodborne ... more
Fascioliasis is caused by two species of parasitic flatworms or trematodes that mainly affect the liver. It belongs to the group of foodborne trematode infections and is a zoonosis, meaning an animal infection that may be transmitted to humans.
The trematodes Fasciola hepatica (also known as the common liver fluke or the sheep liver fluke) and Fasciola gigantica are large liver flukes (F. hepatica: up to 30 mm by 15 mm; F. gigantica: up to 75 mm by 15 mm), which are primarily found in domestic and wild ruminants (their main definitive host... more
Map of Distribution of Paragonimiasis, worldwide latest year available. Foodborne trematodes are a group of diseases that include the parasites Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. These parasitic flukes have a complex life cycle involving diverse definitive hosts and one or two inte... more
Map of Distribution of clonorchiasis, worldwide. Foodborne trematodes are a group of diseases that include the parasites Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. These parasitic flukes have a complex life cycle involving diverse definitive hosts and one or two intermediate hosts. Foodbo... more
Map of Distribution of fascioliasis, worldwide, latest year available. Foodborne trematodes are a group of diseases that include the parasites Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. These parasitic flukes have a complex life cycle involving diverse definitive hosts and one or two inter... more
Map of Distribution of opisthorchiasis, worldwide, latest year available. Foodborne trematodes are a group of diseases that include the parasites Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. These parasitic flukes have a complex life cycle involving diverse definitive hosts and one or two i... more