Asthma is a chronic (long-term) lung condition that affects your airways or bronchial tubes. It can cause your airways to narrow and their lining to swell and to produce extra mucus, which makes it more difficult to breathe. The narrowing of the airways causes you to feel short of breath, wheeze, or... cough. Asthma is there even when you don’t have any symptoms.
Diabetes Poster - Do you have any of these symptoms?
Desde el 2016, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) ha promovido la implementación de la Iniciativa HEARTS en las Américas, una adaptación regional de la estrategia Global HEARTS de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Durante este tiempo, 33 países de la Región de las Amé se han comprometido a implementar HEARTS y la OPS ha desarrollado una amplia variedad de herramientas clínicas para asistir a los equipos de salud en su trabajo cotidiano e impulsarlos a buscar la mejora continua de la calidad. Este compendio pretende presentar en un solo documento, y de manera simple y didáctica, todos los recursos técnicos desarrollados por la Iniciativa HEARTS en las Américas para facilitar su implementación en la práctica diaria del ámbito clínico. El lector notará que cada herramienta se detalla en una sola página y se presenta en un formato modular. Por lo tanto, cada herramienta se puede utilizar en conjunto o por separado según sea necesario. Además, en la parte inferior de cada herramienta, el lector encontrará las referencias y los enlaces para acceder a los textos completos en caso de que los usuarios deseen profundizar más su conocimiento respecto a cada tema.
The WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region webpage discusses the impact of unhealthy diets on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. It highlights unhealthy eating as a major risk factor for these conditions and recommends increasing the consumption of frui...ts, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains while reducing salt, sugar, and fat intake. Additionally, it advises replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats. The page emphasizes that improving dietary habits is not just an individual responsibility but a societal challenge, requiring a comprehensive and culturally sensitive approach.
Please complete the section below. Bring all your medicines and inhalers along with a complete list to doctor’s office visits. Think about your ability to perform these activities on a typical “green” day. Place one check mark in each column. In the last (blank) column write in an activity you... would like to be able to do again. Check the box below it to show how difficult it is to do that activity now. Share this goal with you healthcare team and your family.
You can’t cure asthma. However, you can take steps to control the disease and prevent its symptoms. For example:
-Learn about your asthma and ways to control it
-Follow your written asthma action plan
-Use medicines as your doctor prescribes (Here’s how to use your inhaler device)
-Identif...y and try to avoid things that make your asthma worse
-Keep track of your asthma symptoms and level of control
-Get regular checkups for your asthma
Human health and well-being are intimately linked to the state of the environment. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), climate change, air pollution and exposure to hazardous chemicals are major causes of environment-related burden of disease across the world. In the WHO South-East Asia Region, al...most a quarter of all deaths are attributable to the health impacts of environmental hazards. Air pollution is the leading cause of deaths from environmental risks and is a leading contributor to the NCD epidemic.
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had a continuous and robust impact on world health. The resulting COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating physical, mental and fiscal impact on the millions of people living with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), as they have a higher risk of severe illness... and death from COVID-19. COVID-19 has been associated with an
excess in all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality beyond that related to the infection itself and its immediate consequences. Studies in the
United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America (USA) have clearly shown increasing deaths from ischemic heart disease, stroke and hypertensive disease due to COVID-19. Overall, the impact has been greater in individuals with lower socioeconomic status, even in high income nations.
The WHO EMRO webpage on the "Regional framework for action" outlines strategies for addressing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) within the Eastern Mediterranean region. The framework provides a roadmap for countries to reduce the prevalence and impact of NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes..., cancer, and respiratory illnesses. It emphasizes preventive measures, health promotion, and the integration of NCD management into primary healthcare systems. Key components include policy development, surveillance, and the mobilization of resources to support sustainable NCD initiatives. The framework aims to strengthen regional collaboration to improve health outcomes related to NCDs.
Severe asthma is associated with high morbidity, mortality, and health care utilization, but its burden in Africa is unknown. This article wants to determine the burden (prevalence,
mortality, and activity and work impairment) of severe asthma in 3 countries in East Africa: Uganda, Kenya, and Ethio...pia using the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society case definition of severe asthma.
COPD Health Professionals & Educators
Whether you are a healthcare professional, COPD educator or patient advocate, it is important to stay informed about COPD care, resources and support options.
The incidence of circulatory disorders is increasing worldwide, affecting both low- and middle-income countries and some high-income countries. There is evidence of rising incidence and prevalence rates, even among younger individuals, along with an increasing prevalence of risk factors such as high... blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. These indicators suggest that current approaches are not
effective in managing and reducing the burden of conditions affecting circulatory health.
The website "Learning About Diabetes" provides easy-to-understand educational materials for people with diabetes and their families. It focuses on improving diabetes self-management through visually engaging resources, such as illustrated guides, videos, and tools. The content covers topics like blo...od sugar monitoring, healthy eating, medication management, and lifestyle changes, making diabetes education accessible for all literacy levels.
The Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH) is responsible for promoting, coordinating, and implementing technical cooperation activities related to the prevention, control, and surveillance of noncommunicable diseases, all forms of malnutrition, mental health, neurological an...d substance use disorders, including their risk factors. It also promotes policies and strategies related with disabilities and rehabilitation, road safety, as well as prevention of and response to violence in all its forms.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes means you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems starts when your body no longer makes enough of chemical, or hormone, called insulin.
WHO Package of Essential NCD interventions will help to improve the coverage of appropriate services for people with NCDs services in primary care settings. The HEARTS technical package provides a strategic approach to improving cardiovascular health in countries in primary care settings.
- The Facts About High Blood Pressure
- Understanding Blood Pressure Readings
- Health Threats from High Blood Pressure
- Get Down With Your Blood Pressure
- Learn How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home
- Let's Talk About Blood Pressure
- Support That Empowers
Contents Summary Glycemic Index Individual foods Mixed meal or diet Glycemic Load Disease Prevention Type 2 diabetes mellitus Cardiovascular disease Cancer Gallbladder disease
Heart and circulatory diseases is an umbrella term for all diseases of the heart and circulation. It includes everything from conditions that are inherited or that a person is born with, to those that develop later, such as coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, stroke and vascu...lar dementia.