n temps de crise, les femmes et les jeunes filles ont souvent du mal à satisfaire leurs besoins matériels essentiels. Elles manquent d'articles qui améliorent leur sécurité, facilitent l'hygiène de base, permettent l'accès aux services humanitaires et favorisent leur mobilité et leur présen...ce dans les espaces publics. Les femmes et les filles ont besoin d'articles de base pour se sentir à l'aise en public et maintenir leur hygiène personnelle, en particulier l'hygiène menstruelle. Sans accès à des vêtements et à des produits d'hygiène adaptés à leur culture, les femmes et les adolescentes courent un plus grand risque de violence liée au sexe, leur santé est compromise, leur mobilité est restreinte et elles risquent de s'isoler de plus en plus.
El Marco de monitoreo del WASH Cluster Honduras es un documento de referencia para el monitoreo de las actividades que realizan los socios en terreno y para los puntos focales que están a cargo de reportar las actividades en la plataforma. El GTMI Honduras liderado por OCHA utiliza la plataforma 34...5W de OCHA para el monitoreo de actividades como única herramienta para el reporte.
The document is part of the briefing package for Ethiopia's Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster, which consists of resources that provide greater clarity and guidance to the cluster partners and other humanitarian actors.
The document is divided into four sections. Each section represen...ts the cluster’s coordination system (i) WASH Cluster coordination management, (ii) HPC process, (iii) Response monitoring, (iv) WASH response, and (v) Cluster meeting coordination.
Cluster Overview
The WASH Cluster in Ethiopia is part of and supports the Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE). MoWE leads the WASH cluster emergency task force (ETF), which is co-led by the WASH Cluster secretariat hosted by UNICEF. In Ethiopia, the WASH Cluster was established with the activation of the cluster approach in 2006, and UNICEF, as the global Cluster Lead Agency, was assigned to appoint the WASH Cluster Coordinator.
The WASH Cluster aims to provide guidance and support to its partners to ensure well-coordinated, quality assistance reaches those in need in accordance with humanitarian standards and principles. Conflict, severe drought conditions, seasonal flooding, and Cholera remain the key drivers of WASH needs in Ethiopia.
In 2024, the WASH Cluster aims to work with 79 partners to preserve life, well-being, and dignity and reduce the risk of WASH-related disease through timely interventions to vulnerable populations and preparedness to respond to shocks. Significant humanitarian WASH needs in 2024 are projected with a rigorous HPC process in Ethiopia.
The Humanitarian Program Cycle
The humanitarian program cycle (HPC) is a coordinated series of actions to help prepare for, manage, and deliver humanitarian response. It consists of five coordinated elements, each step logically building on the previous and leading to the next. Successful implementation of the HPC depends on effective emergency preparedness, effective coordination with national/local authorities and humanitarian actors, and information management. Affected people are central to the response; preparedness, coordination, and information management processes continually occur.
Conformément aux recommandations de divers comités de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique a mis en place trois initiatives phares afin de permettre aux États Membres de la Région africaine de se préparer aux urgences de santé publique, ...de les détecter et d’y riposter. Ces programmes sont le fruit de consultations approfondies avec plus de 30 Ministres africains, ainsi qu’avec des acteurs techniques, des partenaires à travers le continent et des institutions régionales telles que le Centre africain de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC-Afrique), dont les contributions ont façonné les activités prioritaires. Le présent rapport est le quatrième rapport de synthèse trimestriel sur les progrès accomplis dans la mise en œuvre des initiatives phares.
Le présent Atlas 2022 a été préparé par une équipe centrale du groupe organique Sous-Directrice régionale du Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique sous la direction et l’orientation de Lindiwe Makubalo, directrice du groupe organique, et de Humphrey Cyprian Karamagi, chef de ...l’équipe Analyse des données et gestion du savoir. L’équipe technique principale était composée de Berence Relisy Ouaya Bouesso, Anaclet Geraud Nganga Koubemba, Bertha Kembabazi, Jadice Mandimba, Aminata Seydi, Sokona Sy, Monde Mambimongo Wangou et Auge Wilson, qui ont travaillé sous la coordination de Serge Bataliack.
Welcome to the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training package. IPC is a major challenge for health care systems around the world and there is a significant opportunity to reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality through improvements to IPC. Health care-associated infections (HAIs) and antim...icrobial resistance (AMR) can be significantly reduced through effective IPC. The guidelines cover a range of topics including the core components of IPC programmes, hand hygiene, and the prevention of surgical site infection.
The availability of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in health care facilities, especially in maternity and primary-care settings where they are often absent, supports core aspects of quality, equity and dignity for all people. This document describes an approach for conducting a nation...al situational analysis of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) as a basis for improving quality of care. This document describes the process from the initial preparatory stages, including triggers for action, through data collection and analysis to the dissemination of results. Each element of the approach is described and possible limitations and mechanisms to mitigate these are explored.
Three billion people – 40 per cent of the world’s population – do not have a place in their homes to wash their hands with water and soap. Three quarters of those who lack access to water and soap live in the world’s poorest countries and are amongst the most vulnerable: children and familie...s living in informal settlements, migrant and refugee camps, or in areas of active conflict. This puts an estimated 1 billion people at immediate risk of COVID-19 simply because they lack basic handwashing facilities.
The Hand Hygiene for All initiative aims to move the world towards this goal: supporting the most vulnerable communities with the means to protect their health and environment. It brings together international partners, national governments, public and private sectors, and civil society to ensure affordable products and services are available, especially in disadvantaged areas, and to enable a culture of hygiene.
Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone has access to running water at all times. The tippy tap is one simple and safe way to wash your hands that is especially designed for areas with no running water
The health care environment contains a diverse population of microorganisms and can be a reservoir for potential pathogens. If environmental cleaning is not performed correctly, then environmental contamination can contribute to the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms and health care-associated ...infections. Collaboration between infection prevention and control (IPC) and environmental services (EVS) staff limits the role of the health care environment in disease transmission.
This course is also available in the following languages:
Tetun - Bahasa Indonesia
The decontamination of instruments and medical devices plays a very important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections (HAIs). Indeed, improper decontamination of surgical instruments, endoscopic devices, respiratory care devices and reusable haemodialysis devices still occurs in ...many settings, leading to HAIs. This course is based on the WHO manual on decontamination and reprocessing of medical devices for health care facilities, as well as in collaboration with the US CDC.
Over 3000 resources to use with your projects, training, and community education in different languages
In this course, you will learn about the different categories of waste and the process for waste management. Health care waste includes all waste generated by health, research and laboratory facilities in the course of providing health care services. Health care waste in a facility should be managed... from point of generation to final disposal and removal.
The primary aim of the GWC COVID Resource page is to centralise WASH specific resources for the COVID response. The GWC is primarily collecting key country resources from Nationa WASH Humanitarian Coordination Platforms as well as key technical guidance documents, links to trainings and webinars to ...facilitate access for WASH staff and practitioners
The UNHCR WASH Monitoring System includes monitoring of refugee health facilities following the Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) guidelines, model questions and standard indicators. All refugee health facilities should be surveyed at least once a year. Indicators are tracked on the Refugee WASH in Hea...lth Facilities Dashboard.
Большинство инфекций, угрожающих здоровью, можно предотвратить благодаря хорошей гигиене рук - мытью рук в нужное время и правильным способом. Руководящие принцип...ы ВОЗ по гигиене рук в здравоохранении поддерживают пропаганду и улучшение гигиены рук в медицинских учреждениях во всем мире и дополняются мультимодальной стратегией ВОЗ по улучшению гигиены рук, руководством по внедрению и практическим пособием, содержащим множество практических инструментов готовых к использованию. Этот модуль был подготовлен для того, чтобы помочь обобщить руководство ВОЗ по гигиене рук, применяя соответствующие инструменты и идеи для его эффективной реализации.
This Collection links to the websites of providers of free training. We monitor these links regularly, however if the training providers change their websites, some of these links may not work. All other resources on the Humanitarian Library can be downloaded directly from the Library.
This collect...ion is monitored daily to identify new and updated materials.
It contains technical guidelines from leading global institutions to support the operation of WASH practitioners responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Current guidance comes from the Norfolk County Council and Public Health England, UNICEF, Indicorps, Wash'Em and WHO.
La plupart des infections associées aux soins de santé peuvent être évitées grâce à une bonne hygiène des mains - se laver les mains au bon moment et de la bonne manière. Les directives de l'OMS sur l'hygiène des mains lors des soins de santé soutiennent la promotion et l'amélioration de... l'hygiène des mains dans les établissements de santé du monde entier. À ces directives s’ajoutent la stratégie multimodale d'amélioration de l'hygiène des mains de l'OMS, le guide de mise en œuvre et la boîte à outils de mise en œuvre, qui contient de nombreux outils pratiques prêts à l'emploi. Ce module a été développé pour aider à résumer les directives de l'OMS sur l'hygiène des mains ainsi que les outils et idées associés pour une mise en œuvre efficace.
A maioria das infecções associadas a cuidados de saúde podem ser prevenidas com a correta higienização das mãos, ou seja, a limpeza das mãos nos momentos corretos, e da forma correta. As Diretrizes da OMS de higienização das mãos nos serviços de saúde incentivam a promoção e o aprimora...mento da higienização das mãos em instituições de saúde no mundo todo, e são complementadas pela estratégia multimodal da OMS para aprimoramento da higienização das mãos, bem como o respectivo guia e kit de implementação, que contêm diversas ferramentas práticas, prontas para serem usadas. Este módulo foi preparado para ajudar a resumir as diretrizes da OMS sobre higienização das mãos, as ferramentas associadas e ideias para uma implementação efetiva.