Creative Development and Formative Research Report
The IAPB School Eye Health Workgroup has released these guidelines to help deliver standardised comprehensive eye health services to more than 700 million children attending schools around the world. These guidelines direct the planning and implementation of school eye health initiatives for policym...akers, health authorities, and related professionals. They emphasize effective, efficient, and sustainable programs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Monitoring and evaluation should be planned from the outset, and existing local guidelines should be integrated.
The WHO Vision and eye screening implementation handbook (VESIH) offers a step-by-step guidance for conducting vision and eye screenings in community and primary care settings. The evidence-based interventions are drawn from the WHO Package of eye care interventions and developed with a focus on del...ivering screenings easily, safely, and effectively in low- and low–intermediate-resource settings. The early identification through screenings ensures timely treatments and management to avoid vision impairment in high-risk populations, including newborns, pre-school children, school children, and older adults.
Sources: Weekly Epidemiological Record (data as of 15 April 2024); *GET2020 database (October 2024)
ources: Weekly Epidemiological Record (April 2024); *GET2020 database (October 2024), **Tropical Data (June 2024)
Sources: Weekly Epidemiological Record (data as of 15 April 2024
Weekly Epidemiological Record. This report summarizes application of the SAFE strategy against trachoma during 2023. It includes estimates of the global population at risk of trachoma blindness based on district-by-district data submitted to WHO by national programmes. Summarizing the epidemiologica...l situation in this way is inherently complex because, for any district, up to 3 serial estimates of prevalence may be valid at different times during a calendar year.
Cureus 2024 Jan 16;16(1):e52358. doi: 10.7759/cureus.52358
Tercera edicion .En esta tercera edición se actualiza la definición de la triquiasis tracomatosa según lo acordado en la cuarta Reunión Científica Mundial sobre el Tracoma (Ginebra, del 27 al 29 de noviembre del 2018), se agrega una descripción sobre cómo examinar el entropión, se mejoran la...s listas de instrumentos y material fungible necesarios para la cirugía, se amplía y se mejora la orientación sobre los cuidados posoperatorios, se incluyen ilustraciones actualizadas, se mejora la presentación en todo el libro, y se elimina el contenido redundante.
Terceira Edição. A terceira edição do manual sobre intervenção de rotação tarsal bilamelar para o tratamento do entrópio devido à triquíase tracomatosa, publicado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), apresenta várias atualizações e melhorias. Desde sua primeira edição em 1993... e a segunda em 2015, esta nova versão amplia o conteúdo inicial, incorpora avanços acordados na quarta Reunião Científica Mundial sobre Tracoma em 2018 e melhora significativamente a estrutura e apresentação do manual. Descrições detalhadas sobre o exame do entrópio foram adicionadas, listas de instrumentos cirúrgicos necessários foram otimizadas e orientações sobre cuidados pós-operatórios foram aprimoradas
Trichiasis is when the eyelashes turn inward towards the eye and scratch the eye. All the lashes may turn in and rub, or it may be just a few eyelashes. The person with trichiasis usually feels pain, like something is in the eye before the vision is damaged,
blindness will be prevented.
In 2023, the partnership between the Government of Canada and PAHO was launched to implement the project to improve the health of communities, women, and children by eliminating trachoma as a public health problem. In this initiative, through a contribution of 15 million Canadian dollars, the Govern...ment of Canada is supporting efforts to eliminate trachoma as a public health problem in the Region over the next 5 years.
The countries included in the initiative are Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.