In this video MEDBOX describes how the Caregiver Toolbox is structured and how it simplifies the worklife of caregivers wordwide
Introduction Video for the Planetary Health Toolbox in MEDBOX.
The health of "Patient Earth" is critical. Therefore, the MEDBOX team is committed to the topic and presents you: the Planetary Health Toolbox.
The Planetary Health Toolbox covers documents from climate change issues to health conseq...uences. Specific topics like One Health, infectious and non-communicable diseases, biodiversity, or the impact on food and nutrition. The included documents are suitable for health professionals and civil society alike.
In this video we briefly explain the different MEDBOX features: how to register and login; how to use MY MEDBOX to create your own library; how to keep myself up to date with My NEWS
Videoclip Series "MEDBOX- The Aid Library" no.3
In this video we explore the MEDBOX Toolboxes, a special and very popular features of the online library MEDBOX.
To cover selected topics in more detail, MEDBOX collects the most relevant documents and information into Toolboxes. The topics range from various humanitarian crises such as natural ha...zards, refugees & migrants, through epidemics and pandemics such as Ebola and Covid-19 to major global health topics such as HIV, TB, mental health or global health education.
Videoclip Series "MEDBOX - The Aid Library" no.4
In this video we show you how to search, browse or find the relevant documents and information in MEDBOX-The Aid Library. This video is part of a "How to use MEDBOX" video series.
MEDBOX -The Aid Library is an open-access online library aiming to increase the quality of health care worldwide.
Vid...eoclip Series "MEDBOX - The Aid Library" no.2
MEDBOX – The Aid Library is an open-access online library aiming to increase the quality of health care worldwide. Quality assurance and accountability are important values in humanitarian action as well as healthcare settings, which receive growing attention by affected populations, health care w...orkers, humanitarian actors, donors and the public.
Videoclip Series "MEDBOX - The Aid Library" no.1
You can view different language versions: German, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish