Document type
Studies & Reports
Fact sheets
Countries / Regions
Authors & Publishers
World Health Organization WHO
The Lancet Global Health
Publication Years
يُعد داء الفيلاريات اللمفي المعروف بداء الفيل أحد أمراض المناطق المدارية المُهمَلة. وتحدث العدوى بهذا المرض عندما تنتقل الطفيليات الفيلارية إلى الإنسان عن طريق ال... more
Лимфатический филяриоз, известный как слоновость, относится к числу забытых тропических болезней. Инвазия происходит в результате передачи паразитов человеку пр... more
Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. Infection is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic system.
La filariose lymphatique, communément appelée éléphantiasis, est une maladie tropicale négligée. L’infection se produit lorsque les parasites filaires responsables de la maladie sont transmis à l’homme par des moustiques. Généralement contractée dans l’enfance, cette infection provoq... more
La filariasis linfática, conocida generalmente como elefantiasis, es una enfermedad tropical desatendida. La infección humana se produce por la transmisión de unos parásitos denominados filarias a través de los mosquitos. La infección se contrae generalmente en la infancia y provoca daños no ... more
Lymphatic filariasis is a neglected tropical disease that can cause permanent disability through disruption of the lymphatic system. This disease is caused by parasitic filarial worms that are transmitted by mosquitos. Mass drug administration (MDA) of antihelmintics is recommended by WHO to elimina... more
Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. When a mosquito with infective stage larvae bites a person, the parasites are deposited on the person’s skin from where ... more