The ERF provides WHO staff with essential guidance on how the Organization manages the assessment, grading and response to public health events and emergencies with health consequences, in support of Member States and affected communities. The ERF adopts an all-hazards approach and it is therefore a...pplicable in all acute public health events and emergencies.
This version (2024) of the WHO ERF has been developed following extensive consultation across the three levels of the Organization and response experiences over the last five years of emergency response. Key areas have been updated to improve the accountability, predictability, timeliness and effectiveness of WHO’s response to emergencies.
En esta nota técnica se explican los 20 aspectos que deben considerarse para evaluar el estado y la seguridad del equipo y los suministros de laboratorio. No se incluyen en este trabajo las instrucciones para los evaluadores de los puntos 93 (Estado y seguridad del equipo médico en las salas de op...eraciones y salas de recuperación) y 94 (Estado y seguridad del equipo de radiología e imagenología), que también forman parte del índice de seguridad hospitalaria.
The Haiti Earthquake and Cholera Emergency appeal (MDRHT018) was implemented by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in collaboration with the Haitian Red Cross Society (HRCS) following the devastating earthquake on 14 August 2021, and the cholera outbreak on 2... October 2022.
The number of global reported natural disaster events in any given year. Note that this largely reflects increases in data reporting, and should notbe used to assess the total number of events.
At 4:17 in the morning on 6 February, a magnitude 7.8
earthquake struck northwestern Turkey. According to
latest reports, this enormous tremor has already caused
over 16,000 deaths in both Turkey, and Syria while over
20,000 are reportedly injured. At least 20 strong
aftershocks have also been ...reported in southern and
central Turkey and will likely continue for the next several
days. The damage has been incredible, with dozens of
cities and town experiencing severe damage to
À la suite des tremblements de terre dévastateurs qui ont frappé la Türkiye et la République arabe syrienne, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a livré 72 tonnes de fournitures pour des soins de traumatologie et de chirurgie d’urgence, y compris des traitements, afin de soutenir les opé...rations en cours dans ces deux pays.
Un premier vol affrété a décollé pour la Türkiye le 9 février avec 37 tonnes de fournitures vitales à son bord et un deuxième vol doit livrer aujourd’hui 35 tonnes de fournitures à la République arabe syrienne.
Les fournitures vitales livrées grâce à ces deux vols serviront, au total, à traiter et à soigner 100 000 personnes et à réaliser 120 000 interventions chirurgicales urgentes dans les deux pays.
A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck at 04:17 local time on 6 February 2023, with its epicentre located in Pazarcık district
in Kahramanmaraş province, Türkiye. Over 1200 aftershocks have since been reported. These are Türkiye’ s most powerful
earthquakes since 1939
EL Nino events are associated with the warming of the Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) over the tropical Pacific Ocean, which significantly influences rainfall in various parts of the world. Recent El Nino events occurred in 1982/83, 1987/88, 1991/92, 1997/98, 2002/03, 2004/05, 2006/07, 2009/10 and 20...15/16 but at varying strength.
In response to the devastating earthquakes impacting Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic, the World Health Organization delivered 72 metric tons of trauma and emergency surgery supplies, including treatments, to both countries to support ongoing response efforts.
A first charter flight depar...ted to Türkiye on 9 February carrying 37 metric tons of life-saving supplies, and a second flight is scheduled to deliver 35 metric tons of supplies to the Syrian Arab Republic today.
In total, these life-saving supplies from both flights will be used to treat and care for 100 000 people as well as for 120 000 urgent surgical interventions in both countries.
General tips:
1- Make sure to assign a staff member to be the focal point to support persons with disabilities in every location/project. (The focal point should know the evacuation procedures).
2- The focal point should coordinate the evacuation and support persons with disabilities in case of an... evacuation/emergency.
3- Communicate clearly verbally and through other communication channels who the focal point is and support options available.
4- Make sure persons with disabilities/older persons are prioritized during evacuation.
5- Always inform everyone about the availability of specific services -remember that not all disabilities are visible.
6- Don’t make assumptions about the needs and priorities of persons with disabilities - Always ask them.
7- Make sure persons with disabilities/older persons are regularly updated and informed about the situation using different communication methods.
8- Look at the place/environment and think about other barriers persons with disabilities might face and address them.
9- Make sure that persons with disabilities, older persons, and those with sever medical conditions are identified when registering new arrivals or when doing door-to-door registration.
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye near the
northern border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many
aftershocks are still being felt across the region. Whilst the impact is still assessed, initial reports evidence
significant damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In response, the Syria Ministry of Health (MoH) activated its emergency operations centre (EOC) on 6 Feb 2023
under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister. In all affected governorates, public and private health facilities
and medical convoys have been repurposed to support the response and are being managed by the National
Ministry of Health (MoH) and Directorate of Health (DoH) at governorate level. Support has been directed to
affected areas, with medical convoys including 28 ambulances and 7 mobile clinics, deployed from the health
directorates of Damascus, Rural Damascus, Quneitra, Homs, Tartous, Aleppo and Latakia
The Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) Guide for the Health Sector provides guidance on how to implement a comprehensive, integrated, and structured approach to disaster recovery. Its overarching goal is to minimize the impact of the disaster on communities and help countries to recover quickly and e...ffectively from disasters, in coordination with key stakeholders.
The DRF Guide for the Health Sector is adapted from the generic DRF Guide, and draws on the Implementation Guide For Health Systems Recovery in Emergencies, the Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Framework as well as the Disaster Recovery Guidance Series. The guide also makes links with multi-sectoral, government-led recovery planning processes such as the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), and it supports the implementation of the HDPN.
UNICEF, WHO Whole of Syria Nutrition, Cluster, the Global Nutrition Cluster, the IFE Core Group, and partners call for ALL involved in the response to the earthquakes in Syria to protect, promote, and support the feeding and care of infants and young children, their caregivers, especially pregnant, ...postpartum, and breastfeeding women. This is critical to support maternal and child survival, growth and development, and to prevent malnutrition, illness and death. This joint statement has been issued to help secure immediate, coordinated, multi-sectoral action on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) to support and provide care for infants and their caregivers during the emergency response of the Earthquake in Syria.
Map abput presence of WFP during the earthquake in Syria
The document lists the components of various cholera kits designed for managing cholera outbreaks. It includes items for rehydration therapy (e.g., oral rehydration salts and IV fluids), medications, sanitation supplies, diagnostic tools, and logistical materials such as cholera beds and water purif...ication systems. These kits aim to support healthcare providers in treating patients, preventing the spread of the disease, and maintaining hygiene in affected areas.
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye near the
northern border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many
aftershocks are still being felt across the region. Whilst the imp...act is still being assessed, initial reports evidence
significant damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In response, the Syria Ministry of Health (MoH) activated its emergency operations centre (EOC) on 6 Feb 2023
under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister. In all affected governorates, public and private health facilities
and medical convoys have been repurposed to support the response and are being managed by the National
Ministry of Health (MoH) and Directorate of Health (DoH) at governorate level. Support has been directed to
affected areas, with medical convoys including 28 ambulances and 7 mobile clinics, deployed from the health
directorates of Damascus, Rural Damascus, Quneitra, Homs, Tartous, Aleppo and Latakia. At the same time, 4
This information can be used to assess the extent of the damage and the needs of affected communities. Information should be gathered on the extent of damage to infrastructure, housing, and public facilities such as hospitals, schools, and water systems. This information can be used to prioritize th...e response effort and to direct resources to where they are most needed.
In addition to gathering information on the extent of damage, it is also important to gather information on the number of people affected and the types of assistance they need. This may include information on the number of people who are injured, displaced, or in need of shelter, food, and water. This information can be used to prioritize the response effort and to ensure that assistance is provided in a way that meets the specific needs of affected communities.
The Generic All-Hazards Risk Assessment and Planning Tool for Mass Gathering Events (“All-Hazards MG RA Tool”) aims to support Member States and mass gathering events organizers.
The tool is based on the principles of the World Health Organization’s Strategic Toolkit for Assessing Risk (STA...R) as well as lessons learned identified from the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool for Mass Gatherings. The purpose of the All-Hazards Mass Gatherings Risk Assessment tool is to identify hazards related to the event, assess and quantify the overall level of risk, identify and account for precautionary measures that may reduce the risk, making the event safer. The tool provides a systematic evidence-based approach to identifying and classifying priority risks; a description of the level of national preparedness and readiness to mitigate specific hazards; guidance on the implementation of a comprehensive and strategic risk assessment to inform preparedness and response plans ahead of the mass gathering; and an estimated assessment of the host country capacity to identify and respond to potential negative health impacts.
Conformément aux recommandations de divers comités de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Bureau régional de l’OMS pour l’Afrique a mis en place trois initiatives phares afin de permettre aux États Membres de la Région africaine de se préparer aux urgences de santé publique, les détecter et d’y riposter. Ces programmes sont le fruit de consultations approfondies avec plus de 30 Ministres africains, ainsi qu’avec des acteurs techniques, des partenaires à travers le continent et des institutions régionales telles que le Centre africain de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC-Afrique), dont les contributions ont façonné les activités prioritaires. Le présent rapport est le troisième rapport de synthèse trimestriel sur les progrès accomplis dans la mise en œuvre des initiatives phares.
ستجابةً للهزات الأرضية المدمرة التي ضربت تركيا والجمهورية العربية السورية، أرسلت منظمة الصحة العالمية إلى البلدين المنكوبين 72 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات اللازمة لم...الجة الرضوح وإجراء العمليات الجراحية الطارئة، بما يشمل الأدوية، لدعم جهود الاستجابة الجارية.
وقد غادرت طائرة الإمدادات الأولى إلى تركيا في 9 شباط/فبراير حاملةً 37 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات المنقذة للأرواح، ومن المقرر أن تغادر الرحلة الثانية اليوم إلى الجمهورية العربية السورية وعلى متنها 35 طناً مترياً من الإمدادات