Technical specifications series for submission to WHO prequalification: diagnostic assessment;TSS-3
The conditionality of this recommendation is largely driven by the current higher unit cost of pyrethroid-PBO ITNs compared
to pyrethroid-only LLINs and therefore the uncertainty of their cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, as PBO is less wash-resistant
than pyrethroids, its bioavailability declines ...faster over the three-year estimated life of an ITN; therefore, the added impact of
pyrethroid-PBO ITNs over that of pyrethroid-only LLINs may decline over time. The evidence comes from two sites in
eastern Africa with pyrethroid resistance and not from other geographies where transmission levels and vector characteristics
may vary. PBO acts by inhibiting certain metabolic enzymes, primarily oxidases, and so are likely to provide greater protection
than pyrethroid-only LLINs where mosquitoes display mono-oxygenase-based insecticide resistance mechanisms.
Effective malaria case management requires quick access to diagnostics and antimalarial treatments to reduce illness and death. Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been essential to malaria treatment since 2001, as it combines artemisinin for rapid parasite reduction with a partner drug ensure complete cure. However, resistance to antimalarial drugs, where parasites survive standard doses, threatens malaria control.
The Mekong Malaria Elimination (MME) programme is an initiative aimed at supporting Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries – Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam, and Yunnan (China) – in achieving the goal of malaria elimination by 2030. Data for this epidemi...ological summary were compiled from country reports. Between January and March 2024, 22 632 malaria cases were reported. During that period, GMS countries recorded 28% fewer cases, with P. falciparum + mixed and P. vivax cases declining by 50% and 23%, respectively. Meanwhile, testing declined by 21% when compared to the same period in 2023.
Todos los países de la Región de las Américas en los que la malaria es endémica han asumido el reto de eliminar la enfermedad y de poner en marcha intervenciones para orientar sus programas y estrategias de salud en esa dirección. Esta versión simplificada y más operativa del Manual para la e...stratificación según el riesgo de malaria y la eliminación de focos de transmisión, dirigida al personal de campo, orienta sobre cómo implementar las acciones básicas de eliminación de la malaria. Se propone orientar un cambio en la operación de malaria con la atención centrada en abordar los focos y la organización de la operación en el nivel más local. El documento parte de la necesidad de identificar y definir un ámbito operativo (el foco o microárea) en donde se pone en práctica una intervención programática concreta (DTI-R) que, si bien es estandarizada a nivel nacional, debe ser ante todo guiada por la comprensión de la dinámica de la transmisión a nivel local
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on how to implement Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recommendations for malaria elimination at the local level. It is a streamlined, more operational version of the Manual for Stratifying Malaria Risk and Elimination of Foci, aimed primarily operational teams working in the field. The content has been prioritized and the steps of the process organized to facilitate greater understanding by local teams. Adjustments have also been made to underscore its versatility for all malaria transmission scenarios in the Region of the Americas.
Anopheles stephensi is an invasive mosquito species which has been found spreading across Africa. While this species presents a new challenge for malaria control on the continent, its surveillance and management have been ongoing in Asia for many years. This document aims to summarize key lessons 3 countries – India, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Sri Lanka – that have been working to control An. stephensi. It is hoped that their experiences and insights will be valuable for countries encountering An. stephensi for the first time.
Rivercess, Liberia, April 25, 2024 - Liberia marks a monumental milestone in its battle against malaria
as it launches the highly anticipated RTS,S malaria vaccine today, coinciding with World Malaria Day,
commemorated under the theme: Health Equity, Gender, and Human Rights: Accelerating the Figh...t
Against Malaria for a More Equitable World. The launch ceremony, held in Rivercess County, signals a
significant step forward in the nation's commitment to safeguarding the health of its children and
Due to the heterogeneous distribution of malaria transmission and its determinants, subnational tailoring (SNT) provides an analytical framework to facilitate the targeting of each population with appropriate intervention packages for maximum impact to inform national strategic planning and prioriti...zation based on resources available. The WHO Global Malaria Programme recommends the use of subnational data on disease epidemiology and other relevant local contextual factors to facilitate the process of SNT. Once the strategies and intervention mixes have been defined, programmes can proceed to the prioritization of
interventions for effective programming, based on available resources
This position paper supersedes the 2022 WHO position paper on malaria vaccines. It includes the updated WHO recommendations on the use of the RTS,S/AS01 and R21/Matrix-M vaccines for the reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality in children living in endemic areas, prioritizing areas of moderate ...and high malaria transmission.
This publication describes the history of malaria in Uzbekistan. It evaluates the policies and strategies applied after the re-establishment of local transmission to contain malaria outbreaks in the 1990s and early 2000s, and highlights the interventions subsequently used to eliminate malaria in the... country. Uzbekistan was officially certified by WHO as a malaria-free country in 2018. Lessons for countries embarking upon elimination are distilled. The publication is intended for health managers and personnel, researchers, teachers, students and post-graduates at medical schools.
Each year, WHO’s World malaria report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of trends in malaria control and elimination across the globe. This year’s report includes, for the first time, a dedicated chapter focused on the intersection between climate change and malaria. As describe...d in the report, climate change is one of many threats to the global response to malaria. Millions of people continue to miss out on the services they need to prevent, detect, and treat the disease. Conflict and humanitarian crises, resource constraints and biological challenges such as drug and insecticide resistance also continue to hamper progress.
This publication describes the reasons for the resurgence of malaria in Kyrgyzstan and presents an analysis of evidence-based elimination strategies and policies that were applied to contain the epidemic and outbreaks of the disease, achieve its elimination, and maintain the country malaria-free. Th...e strong political commitment and the mobilization of human resources that were crucial in achieving elimination are emphasized. It is hoped that the experiences of Kyrgyzstan's national malaria control programme can assist other countries aiming to eliminate malaria. The publication is intended for health managers and personnel, researchers, teachers, students and post-graduates at medical schools.
Tracking global malaria spending provides insight into how far the world is from reaching the malaria funding target of $6·6 billion annually by 2020. Because most countries with a high burden of malaria are low income or lower-middle income, mobilising additional government resources for malaria m...ight be challenging.
This action plan is intended for senior-level decision-makers in ministries of health, malaria
programme managers, entomologists, and epidemiologists working on malaria and other vectorborne diseases programmes. It is also intended for decision-makers and technical and advocacy
staff at other orga...nizations and stakeholders involved in public health, malaria control and
elimination, and urban and rural development.
Anopheles stephensi is a mosquito species that is capable of transmitting both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria parasites. Unlike the other main mosquito vectors of malaria, it thrives in urban and man-made environments. Originally native to parts of South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, A...n. stephensi has been detected, to date, in 7 countries in the African continent.
The emergence of multifrug-resistant malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has been identified as an emergency issue that may have catastrophic consequences on the future of malaria elimination in the GMS as well as globally. In recognition of the need for a cohesive regional response,... GMS countries have committed to a shared goal of eliminating malaria from the GMS by 2030 working within the framework of the Strategy for Malaria Elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion 2015-2030. Population mobility has been identified as a key concern in the context of multidrug-resistant malaria; and in a region of highly porous borders where the majority of intra-Mekong migration occurs through informal channels, addressing the health needs of migrant populations has never been more critical.
This report describes the activities of the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care in 2022.The Centre accelerated face-to-face country support after the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic to support countries in engaging in analysis and diagnosis, developing strategies and policies, building capacit...y and tracking implementation progress and impact. The Centre delivered intensive support in the countries of the Universal Health Coverage Partnership. The Centre continued to develop policy guidance, publish good practices, have capacity-building activities and policy dialogues and solidified its signature product Let’s Talk Primary Health Care talk show platform. The highlight of 2022 was the launch of two WHO Primary Health Care Demonstration Platforms to facilitate cross-country experience exchange.
In the context of limited resources, national malaria programmes may need to decide on how to prioritize all WHO-recommended interventions . This guidance document has been developed to support national malaria programmes in prioritization decisions, specifically on the deployment scope and product ...choice of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). This guidance is to be
followed when programmes do not have sufficient budget to deploy the most effective ITNs to all populations at risk.