These posters can be used to help educate people about good hygiene practices, methods for disinfecting water, and caring for family members who may be at risk of contracting cholera. They are designed for all audiences and the graphics have been made regionally specific.
Poster for communities and health worker
Special Focus on COVID-19
The report provides updated estimates for drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in schools including progress from 2015 to 2019. It highlights the rapid improvement needed to ensure students have access to handwashing facilities with soap and water during the COVID-19 pan...demic, and to meet associated SDG targets by 2030.
This report is the first of its kind. It brings together various data sets to present the current status of hand hygiene, highlight lagging progress, and call governments and supporting agencies to action, offering numerous inspiring examples of change.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene ...received unprecedented attention and became a central pillar in national COVID prevention strategies. However, concern with hand hygiene should not only be as temporary public health measure in times of crisis, but as a vital everyday behaviour that contributes to health and economic resilience. Hand hygiene is a highly cost-effective investment, providing outsized health benefits for relatively little cost.
Despite efforts to promote hand hygiene, the rates of access to hand hygiene facilities remain stubbornly low. If current rates of progress continue, by the end of the SDG era in 2030, 1.9 billion people will still lack facilities to wash their hands at home.
This report presents a compelling case for investment in five key ‘accelerators’ as a pathway towards achieving hand hygiene for all – governance, financing, capacity development, data and information, and innovation. These accelerators are identified under the UN-Water SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework.
A critical building block to achieving the global goal of universal hand hygiene by 2030 is adequate levels of funding. Understanding the costs of implementing hand hygiene plans is an essential precursor to fund allocation. This tool aims to provide country-specific cost estimates of achieving univ...ersal hand hygiene in households by 2030. It has been developed jointly by WHO and UNICEF, through a consultancy with WASHeconomics, and with input from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the World Bank and WaterAid
This film covers handwashing best practice for health workers in hospitals.
This Video is available in Hausa and Yoruba.
accessed 08.2021
Ces cinq indications sur l’hygiène des mains sont extraites des directives de l'OMS sur l'hygiène des mains dans les soins de santé pour ajouter de la valeur à toute stratégie d'amélioration de l'hygiène des mains. Tout simplement, elles définissent des moments clés de l'hygiène des main...s, évitent les pièges d’un langage trompeur et de descriptions
Pratiquez l'hygiene des mains, prévenez la propagation des germes multi-résistants
Ces cinq indications sur l’hygiène des mains sont extraites des directives de l'OMS sur l'hygiène des mains dans les soins de santé pour ajouter de la valeur à toute stratégie d'amélioration de l'hygiène des mains. Tout simplement, elles définissent des moments clés de l'hygiène des main...s, évitent les pièges d’un langage trompeur et de descriptions
Three billion people – 40 per cent of the world’s population – do not have a place in their homes to wash their hands with water and soap. Three quarters of those who lack access to water and soap live in the world’s poorest countries and are amongst the most vulnerable: children and familie...s living in informal settlements, migrant and refugee camps, or in areas of active conflict. This puts an estimated 1 billion people at immediate risk of COVID-19 simply because they lack basic handwashing facilities.
The Hand Hygiene for All initiative aims to move the world towards this goal: supporting the most vulnerable communities with the means to protect their health and environment. It brings together international partners, national governments, public and private sectors, and civil society to ensure affordable products and services are available, especially in disadvantaged areas, and to enable a culture of hygiene.
Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone has access to running water at all times. The tippy tap is one simple and safe way to wash your hands that is especially designed for areas with no running water
Infografía ilustrando cómo lavarse las manos adecuadamente cuando hay acceso limitado a agua limpia y jabón.
Best practice for hand hygiene requires the availability of clean water, soap, and single use disposable towels or alcohol based hand sanitiser with a concentration of 70%. Availability of these resources is not always assured. When resources for hand hygiene are not available other materials need t...o be considered to prevent transmission of infection. This document provides community guidance on evidence-based alternative hand hygiene strategies in the absence of clean running water, soap or alcohol-based hand rub.
Disney Junior’s Doc McStuffins, a young girl who aspires to follow in her doctor mother’s footsteps and practices by treating whatever ails her toys, is joined by her “patients” in a hand washing public service announcement, developed courtesy of Disney Junior, which gently reminds young vie...wers to wash their hands with soap.
Over 3000 resources to use with your projects, training, and community education in different languages
خيارات المرافق الخاصة
بغسل اليدين للإعدادات
محدودة الموارد
This document provides guidance to AU Member States, states/local bodies, and communities
on how to construct and maintain non-contact hand washing stations like Tippy Taps and other
al...ternative hand washing stations.