Nearly 800 women die every day from preventable maternal causes, and in 2022 alone, an estimated 2.3 million newborns died. For every maternal death, countless more women endure life-altering injuries, infections, and disabilities related to childbirth.
Maternal deaths are concentrated in the regions and conflict-affected areas. In 2020, sub-Saharan Africa accounted for nearly 70% of all maternal deaths, with just 22 countries responsible for 81% of the global total. Humanitarian crises and fragile health systems exacerbate these challenges, with maternal mortality rates in crisis-affected areas often double the global average. The barriers to progress are multifaceted, including inadequate funding, poor-quality healthcare, harmful gender and social norms, and critical gaps in data and accountability.
The training you receive will give you the tools you need to feel confident about broaching the subject with your patients. Reviewing the materials the job aids, especially job aids 4a and 7a, can help refresh your knowledge in the months and years ahead. Remember, with practice over time, you will ...find it easier to recognize the signs and symptoms associated with IPV and to know how to ask questions with empathy.
Guidelines approved by the WHO Guidelines -Review Committee; second edition
An Infographic Guide to Technology-facilitated Gender-based Violence (TFGBV) offers a visually engaging toolkit designed to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the pervasive and harmful impact of TFGBV on women and girls in all their diversity.
What does the future hold for the world’s children?
In many ways, the future is now. Today’s actions and decisions will determine the future children inherit.
Unfortunately, today's children live in a world fraught with crises, poverty and discrimination. Where far too many are deprived of... opportunities to meet their full potential.
We can and must do better.
The future of childhood hangs in the balance.
This year’s State of the World’s Children Report examines the forces and trends shaping our world today and reflects on how they might shape the future.
The report explores three megatrends that will profoundly impact children’s lives between now and 2050: demographics shifts, the climate and environmental crises and frontier technologies.
It also presents three future scenarios – possible outcomes, not predictions – for how children could experience the world of 2050.
As we consider what we can do today, our responsibility is clear: now is the time to shape a better future for every child.
Les tendances démographiques d’aujourd’hui façonneront la répartition des populations de demain. Il en va de même pour le carbone que nous rejetons dans l’atmosphère aujourd’hui, qui déterminera le climat de demain ou pour les technologies que nous développons et gouvernons, qui influ...enceront non seulement la manière dont les futures générations apprendront, travailleront et communiqueront, mais aussi le bien-être des enfants au cours des années à venir.
Alors que le premier quart du XXIe siècle touche à sa fin, le rapport La Situation des enfants dans le monde 2024 nous projette en 2050 et tente de répondre à la question suivante : Quelle est la meilleure voie à suivre pour assurer un avenir dans lequel chaque enfant jouit de ses droits, et bâtir un monde dans lequel tous les enfants survivent, s’épanouissent et réalisent leur plein potentiel?
Pour ce faire, ce rapport examine trois grandes tendances, à savoir trois forces puissantes qui s’inscrivent dans la durée à l’échelle mondiale et qui auront de profondes répercussions sur la vie des enfants entre aujourd’hui et 2050 : les changements démographiques, la crise climatique et environnementale et les technologies d’avant-garde. Comprendre ces tendances et leurs implications pour les enfants semble en effet essentiel pour mieux appréhender les défis et les possibilités qui
nous attendent
ستشكل الاتجاهات الديموغرافية اليوم أنماط السكان في المستقبل. وسيحدد الكربون الذي نسكبه اليوم بغزارة في الغلاف الجوي معالم مناخ الغد. وستؤثر التقانات التي نطورها ون...تحكم بها اليوم على طرق تعلم الأجيال المقبلة وعملها وتواصلها وأيضاً على عافية الأطفال لسنوات طويلة.
مع اقترابنا من نهاية الربع الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين، يتطلع تقرير حالة أطفال العالم لعام 2024 إلى عام 2050. ويسأل: كيف يمكننا تأمين مستقبل تتحقق فيه حقوق جميع الأطفال — عالم يحيا فيه جميع الأطفال ويزدهرون ويحققون إمكاناتهم بالكامل؟
يتناول هذا التقرير ثلاث قوى عالمية قوية وطويلة الأمد (أو اتجاهات كبرى) ستترك أثراً عميقاً على حياة الأطفال من الآن حتى عام 2050، وهي: التحولات الديموغرافية، وأزمات المناخ والبيئة، والتقانات الرائدة. وبفهم هذه الاتجاهات وتداعياتها على الأطفال، يمكننا أن ندرك بشكل أفضل التحديات والفرص التي تنتظرنا.
Las tendencias demográficas actuales determinarán las futuras características de la población. El carbono expulsado hoy a la atmósfera definirá el clima del mañana. Las tecnologías que hoy desarrollamos y controlamos no solo influirán en la forma de aprender, trabajar y comunicar de las fut...uras generaciones, sino también en el bienestar de la infancia durante las próximas décadas.
Conforme el primer cuarto del siglo XXI llega a su fin, el Estado Mundial de la Infancia 2024 ha decidido mirar hacia adelante y situarse en el año 2050. Y plantea la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la mejor manera de lograr un futuro donde todos los niños y niñas disfruten de sus derechos? ¿Cómo podemos construir un mundo donde todos puedan sobrevivir, prosperar y desarrollar plenamente su potencial?
El informe examina tres megatendencias o grandes fenómenos mundiales y a largo plazo que tendrán importantes efectos sobre las vidas de los niños y niñas de aquí a 2050: los cambios demográficos, las crisis climáticas y medioambientales y las tecnologías de vanguardia. Si entendemos estas tendenciasy lo que implican para la infancia, comprenderemos mejor los retos y las oportunidades que se nos pueden presentar.
Globally, 85,000 women and girls were killed intentionally in 2023. 60 per cent of these homicides—51,000—were committed by an intimate partner or other family member. 140 women and girls die every day at the hands of their partner or a close relative, which means one woman or girl is killed eve...ry 10 minutes.
En el año 2020 se registró una muerte materna cada hora en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Ese mismo año, la tendencia de la razón de mortalidad materna (RMM) en la Región de las Américas retrocedió de manera alarmante e inaudita a los niveles de hace veinte años. Estas cifras no solo imp...lican un empeoramiento en los resultados, sino una profundización de las desigualdades, lo que representa miles de tragedias individuales e inaceptables que en la mayoría de los casos serían evitables. La muerte materna es el resultado de un proceso multifactorial donde interactúan elementos estructurales como el sistema económico, las condiciones ambientales y la cultura. Además, intervienen otros factores relativos a la desigualdad social, como el racismo, la pobreza, la desigualdad de género y la falta de acceso al sistema educativo
This publication aims to provide an overview of the state of developmental monitoring in selected countries across the Europe and Central Asia region (ECAR), to document the existing evidencebased approaches and models for developmental monitoring and to identify the key considerations necessary to discussions around introducing and enhancing developmental monitoring as a part
of primary health care.
People play an essential role in managing their own sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and as caregivers. This publication looks at self-care interventions for SRHR from a global perspective and also what is specifically happening in six countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Kenya,... Nigeria and Uganda.
As escolas realizam diariamente inúmeras atividades que ajudam a promover a saúde e o bem-estar dos alunos, famílias e comunidades. Existem evidências claras dos benefícios da abordagem das escolas promotoras da saúde (EPS), que visam melhorar os resultados globais de saúde da comunidade educ...ativa (física, mental e social) e obter melhores resultados de aprendizagem. O termo escola promotora da saúde é aqui utilizado para se referir a instituições de todos os níveis de ensino (pré-escolar, primário e secundário) que adoptam uma abordagem abrangente para promover a saúde e o desempenho escolar nas suas comunidades, utilizando o potencial organizacional das escolas para promover o bem-estar físico, socioemocional e psicológico, o que contribuirá para uma melhor saúde e resultados educacionais positivos. Espera-se que este guia contribua tanto para o pessoal dos estabelecimentos de ensino como para o pessoal de saúde e outro pessoal das escolas, reforçando a sua motivação, reconhecendo cada uma das componentes da iniciativa e promovendo a sua aplicação, adaptada e recriada de acordo com as características do respectivo contextos. O guia apresenta as bases conceptuais e operacionais da iniciativa Escolas Promotoras de Saúde, incentivando a motivação das equipas que coordenam a sua implementação e fornece ferramentas conceptuais e metodológicas que permitem promover a iniciativa Escolas Promotoras de Saúde de forma crítica e contextualizada. Este guia será útil para todo o pessoal que trabalha em instituições de ensino nos níveis inicial, primário e secundário, incluindo pessoal de gestão, ensino, psicologia escolar e pessoal auxiliar e administrativo. Atenderá também profissionais de diversos setores (educação, saúde e desenvolvimento social) cujas atividades estão ligadas à saúde e ao bem-estar em instituições de ensino nos três níveis
Every day, schools engage in numerous activities that help promote the health and well-being of students, families, and communities. There is clear evidence of the benefits of the health-promoting schools (HPS) approach, not only for improving overall health outcomes (physical, mental, and social) i...n the educational community but also for achieving better learning outcomes. The closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted these benefits, as well as the close links between health, wellness, and education.
In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), one maternal death was registered every hour in 2020. That same year, the trend in the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for the Region of the Americas regressed alarmingly and unprecedentedly to the levels seen two decades ago. In addition to indicating a wors...ening of health outcomes, these figures also signal a deepening of inequalities, representing thousands of individual, unacceptable tragedies that in most cases could have been preventable. Maternal death is the result of a multifactorial process in which structural elements such as the economic system, environmental conditions, and culture interact. Other factors related to social inequality are also present, such as racism, poverty, gender inequality, and lack of access to the education system. The current situation calls for urgent mobilization of the health systems of LAC countries in order to strengthen efforts to combat maternal mortality, especially in countries that are still far from achieving the SHAA2030 regional target. For this reason, a preventive, health-promoting, life-course-based approach is needed, with models of care centered on women, families, and the community Scientific evidence shows that health systems with a solid foundation in primary health care (PHC) achieve better outcomes, greater equity, and reduced health expenditures. To address this, PAHO proposes a strategy, aimed primarily at women who are in the most vulnerable situation, who are the ones who represent the greatest burden of maternal mortality, to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality in the Region of the Americas, based on the expansion and strengthening of PHC.
This document is an interactive guide for the uniform collection, compilation, reporting, and use of adolescent health data. See the details of each section below and click on the blocks to jump to the relevant section.
Neonatal tetanus (NT), a severe newborn illness from the toxigenic strains of Clostridium tetani, persists in middle- and low-income countries due to non-sterile childbirth practices. Unlike smallpox and polio, tetanus cannot be eradicated: Clostridium tetani spores exist in the environment, and ani...mal reservoirs. However, elimination as a public health issue is achievable through widespread tetanus vaccination, clean deliveries, and proper umbilical cord care. The goal of eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) as a public health problem is considered met when all municipalities in a country have an annual incidence rate of NT of less than 1 case per 1000 live births. The Region of the Americas achieved the maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) target in 2017 when elimination was validated in the Republic of Haiti. Yet maintaining this progress requires continued efforts. High vaccination coverage, booster doses in countries lacking them, hygienic practices, and strong maternal and child health services are key. The Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) integrated maternal and neonatal immunization platform further strengthens this fight against early childhood diseases.