Here you can find different material (videos, poster, guidelines) how to use communication to encourage physical distancing; explaining physical distancing to children....
Here you can download videos, songs, posters for different audiences and topics in nultiple languages
Consejos para mamás y papás
Ante situaciones estresantes como las que vivimos por la pandemia de #COVID19, niñas y niños pueden tener distintas reacciones como dificultad para dormir, dolor de estómago, mojar la cama o estando enojados o con miedo todo el tiempo.
En estos casos, como mamá... o papá, lo mejor es apoyarlos, explicarles que es normal sentir miedo o preocupación y asegurarles que esta situación es temporal.
En UNICEF preparamos estas recomendaciones que pueden ayudar a padres y madres a contribuir a mejorar el estado emocional de niñas, niños y adolescentes.
La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha afectado la vida familiar alrededor del mundo. El cierre de escuelas y colegios, el trabajo a distancia, el distanciamiento físico: es mucho para cualquier persona, pero especialmente para los padres. Un grupo de colaboradores nos juntamos con la iniciativa... 'Parenting for Lifelong Health' (en español, Paternidad y Crianza para Salud de por Vida) para brindar a los padres y responsables de niños una serie de consejos prácticos para ayudar a manejar esta nueva (temporaria) normalidad.
A children's poster on how to protect yourself from Covid-19
Une affiche pour enfants sur la façon de se protéger contre le Covid-19
Un póster para niños sobre cómo protegerse de Covid-19
Talking About Corona-19
in English and Vietnamese
Informations for Kids
The current lockdown has given us all time to do lots of different things. We decided to write and illustrate a story for our family that they could all print out and make at home.
The story is about Isaac and Luke who have to stay at home and wonder what they might do. It is for younger children t...o learn how to make a book, do some colouring and help their reading.
It is free for everyone.
A new story book that aims to help children understand and come to terms with COVID-19 has been produced
With the help of a fantasy creature, Ario, “My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!” explains how children can protect themselves, their families and friends from coronavirus and how to... manage difficult emotions when confronted with a new and rapidly changing reality.
Available in more languages
The book – aimed primarily at children aged 6-11 years old – is a project of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, a unique collaboration of United Nations agencies, national and international nongovernmental organizations and international agencies providing mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings.
Available in different languages
This book was a project developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The project was supported by global, regional and country based experts from Member Agencies of the IASC MHPSS RG, in addition to ...parents, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries.
The book was shared through storytelling to children in several countries affected by COVID-19. Feedback from children, parents and caregivers was then used to review and update the story.
Over 1,700 children, parents, caregivers and teachers from around the world took the time to shared how they were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Available in 141 Languages
Um livro para ajudar as criancas e jovens a lidarem com uma situacao nova e inesperada, que obriga a novas rotinas diárias e á gestao de situacoes nem sempre fáceis de entender
Aos cuidadores das crianças em isolamento
Num período de pandemia, onde uma das medidas de contenção de propagação da COVID-19 exige a restrição de contactos sociais, incluindo o encerramento das escolas, milhares de crianças portuguesas ficarão em situação de isolamento. Isto implica permanência no lar que deve ter em conta medidas de promoção da saúde mental para minorar o impacto da situação atual. Para isso, enquanto médicos de Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência julgamos ser essencial compilar algumas medidas para ajudar as crianças nesta situação.
The Department of Basic Education recognises the need to help parents and guardians get through this lockdown period as effectively as possible. This simple set of guidelines is designed to provide advice and strategies to help parents support their children at this time
Breastfeeding is the cornerstone of infant and young child survival, nutrition and development and maternal health. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 ye...ars and beyond.1 Early and uninterrupted skin-toskin contact, rooming-in2 and kangaroo mother care3 also significantly improve neonatal survival and reduce morbidity and are recommended by WHO.
Corrigendum 23 June 2020
Auf dieser Seiten finden Sie wichtige Hygienetipps, Verhaltensregeln und –empfehlungen zur Vorbeugung von Infektionen mit dem Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Kindertagesstätten und den verschiedenen Schulformen. Es können Poster, Flyer, Videos und Printmaterial heruntergeladen werden
COVID-19 has taken away our daily work, home and school routines. This is hard for children, teenagers and for you. Making new routines can help.
Updated 8 June 2020
The current COVID-19 epidemic, like other infectious disease outbreak
previously, imposes to Child Protection actors to work and deliver services with
great creativity and flexibility, especially in those areas of interventions
traditionally relying on group-gathering (i.e. Child Friendly Spaces)... and face-toface