Родители, пережившие войну и конфликт и вынужденные покинуть свой дом, поделились своим опытом и переживаниями о свои детях. Информация, собранная в этой брошюре, д...аст вам несколько советов, как вы можете помочь себе и своим детям чувствовать лучше.
Кризисные ситуации, такие как чрезвычайные происшествия, землетрясения и наводнения, участились и часто делают семьи очень уязвимыми. Родители, пережившие кризис...ые ситуации, поделились своими переживаниями о благополучии своих детей в этот период. Сталкиваясь с последствиями кризисных ситуаций, родители часто пытаются понять, как лучше всего реагировать на изменения в своих детях.
Globally, 85,000 women and girls were killed intentionally in 2023. 60 per cent of these homicides—51,000—were committed by an intimate partner or other family member. 140 women and girls die every day at the hands of their partner or a close relative, which means one woman or girl is killed eve...ry 10 minutes.
Concept Note
Щоби Ви більше не відчували себе такими безпорадними
Інформація для всіх, хто працює з травмованими дітьми та молоддю
Damit Sie sich nicht mehr so hilflos fühlen müssen
Informationen für alle, ...die mit traumatisierten Kindern und Jugendlichen zu tun haben
Збірка інформації про те, як батьки можуть сприяти благополуччю дітей та зменшенню стресу
Ви – маяки для своїх дітей.
Відчувайте, знайте, домовтеся з собою, що ви є для них джерелом світла підтримки, балансу. Хороша книжка й читання вголос добрих історій ...опоможе зараз супроводжувати втомлених – малих і великих. Читайте повільно, розмірено, якщо того потребують зовнішні тривожні звуки – заколисуючи чи підбадьорюючи.
Childrens books about helping children in confinement - for different age groups
Сборник информации о том, как родители могут способствовать благополучию детей и снижению стресса
Як живеться дітям після пережитого надзвичайно великого страху і що їм може допомогти. Брошура Сюзанне Штайн (Susanne Stein) для розмов з батьками дітей, які пережили над...вичайно великий страх
Как детям живется после страшных переживаний и как можно им помочь. Собрание картин, составленное Сузаннэ Штайн (Susanne Stein) для разговоров с родителями детей, пережив...ших страшные события
Das volle AMIRA-Programm mit allen Teilen gibt es als interaktives Programm im Internet www.amira-lesen.de. Es ist inzwischen aber auch eine Handyversion der Geschichten verfügbar und eine Download-Version der Geschichten zum offline-Gebrauch.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) provides an overview of alcohol consumption and its global impact. Alcohol, containing ethanol, is a psychoactive and toxic substance that can lead to dependence. In 2019, alcohol consumption was responsible for approximately 2.6 million deaths worldwide, with 1.6... million resulting from noncommunicable diseases, 700,000 from injuries, and 300,000 from communicable diseases. Men accounted for the majority of these deaths, totaling 2 million, compared to 600,000 among women. Additionally, an estimated 400 million people aged 15 and older were living with alcohol use disorders in 2019.
This short brief describes the main findings and the key lessons learned from the research project "Evaluation of the impact of alcohol control policies on morbidity and mortality in Lithuania and other Baltic states", funded by the United States National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism fo...r the period 2000–2025. The WHO-backed project aims to assess the effects of alcohol control policies implemented in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and to investigate the impact they have had on both people's health and the countries' economies, based on concrete actions taken. The key findings of the project demonstrate that alcohol control policies such as taxation and availability measures decrease all-cause mortality and reduce inequalities, and that dismantling alcohol control policies has the opposite effect on population health. They also highlight that consumption of unrecorded alcohol will not necessarily go up if taxation is increased and that specific countermeasures can be taken to prevent an increase in unrecorded consumption.
The OECD's "Alcohol Consumption" indicator measures the annual sales of pure alcohol in liters per person aged 15 and older. This metric helps assess long-term trends in alcohol consumption across countries. It's important to note that the methodology for converting alcoholic beverages to pure alcoh...ol may vary between nations. Additionally, official data typically do not account for tourist consumption or unrecorded alcohol intake, such as homemade or illegally produced alcohol. While this indicator provides insight into overall consumption patterns, it does not capture harmful drinking behaviors like heavy episodic drinking.
The report provides an overview of alcohol consumption, related health harm, and policy responses in 30 European countries (EU Member States, Norway, and Switzerland). It highlights the high levels of alcohol consumption in the WHO European Region, which contribute to a significant disease burden co...mpared to other regions. The report covers trends in alcohol consumption and harm between 2010 and 2016, noting some progress in reducing alcohol-attributable mortality but stagnation in consumption reduction and heavy episodic drinking.
The assessment of alcohol policies shows variability in implementation across countries, particularly in areas like pricing and reducing the negative consequences of drinking. It emphasizes the need for stronger evidence-based policies, such as better regulation, taxation, and accessibility restrictions, to further reduce alcohol-related harm and achieve health-related Sustainable Development Goals.
The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the SAFER initiative in 2018 to address the global health and societal challenges posed by alcohol-related harm. The initiative outlines five key strategies aimed at reducing alcohol consumption and its associated consequences. These include strengthening... restrictions on alcohol availability by implementing and enforcing policies to limit its accessibility and advancing drink-driving countermeasures, such as low blood alcohol concentration limits and random breath testing, to reduce alcohol-impaired driving incidents.
Additionally, SAFER emphasizes facilitating access to screening, brief interventions, and treatment for individuals with alcohol use disorders, ensuring that healthcare systems are equipped to provide effective support. Another core strategy is enforcing comprehensive bans or restrictions on alcohol advertising, sponsorship, and promotion to minimize its influence, particularly on vulnerable populations such as youth. Finally, the initiative advocates raising alcohol prices through excise taxes and pricing policies to make it less affordable and thereby reduce consumption.
By implementing these evidence-based, cost-effective measures, the SAFER initiative aims to reduce the global burden of alcohol-related deaths and disabilities, fostering healthier societies worldwide.
The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) emphasizes the critical role of drug prevention in enhancing public health in Germany. Annually, the country faces significant premature mortality due to substance use: at least 110,000 deaths from smoking, 40,000 from harmful alcohol consumption, and a...pproximately 1,300 from illicit drug abuse.
The article "Capacity-Building in Community-Based Drug Treatment Services" by Michael J. Cole focuses on the global challenges in providing adequate community-based drug treatment services. It highlights the gaps in availability, quality, and accessibility of evidence-based care. The article discuss...es the principles and strategies for capacity-building at three levels: individual, organizational, and service sector. It emphasizes using an empowerment model, engaging community stakeholders, and creating sustainable practices. The paper also addresses the need for systematic planning, assessment, and collaboration to strengthen drug treatment systems globally.