Mental Health
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Training Material
Fact sheets
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Western and Central Europe
Authors & Publishers
World Health Organization WHO
World Health Organization
World Health Organisation (WHO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Health Organitarion
World Health Organization WHO, UNICEF
World Health Organization, UNHCR
Ніко Кларк, Тарун Дуа, Александра Фляйшманн et al.
Publication Years
Capacity Building
Le manuel de formation Guide d’intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP), est conçu pour guider les animateurs dans la formation des prestataires de soins de santé non spécialisés à la gestion des troubles mentaux, neurologiques et liés à la consommation de substances dans les situations d... more
Le manuel de formation Guide d’intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP), est conçu pour guider les animateurs dans la formation des prestataires de soins de santé non spécialisés à la gestion des troubles mentaux, neurologiques et liés à la consommation de substances dans les situations d... more
Le manuel de formation Guide d’intervention humanitaire mhGAP (GIH-mhGAP), est conçu pour guider les animateurs dans la formation des prestataires de soins de santé non spécialisés à la gestion des troubles mentaux, neurologiques et liés à la consommation de substances dans les situations d... more
EQUIP: Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support is a joint WHO/UNICEF project to improve the competence of helpers and the consistency and quality of training and service delivery. The EQUIP platform makes freely available competency assessment tools and e-learning courses to support governments, t... more
This document was designed to inform educators, amongst others, about enhancing the pre-service curriculum with mental health Gap Action Programme Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) materials, which can provide future professionals with the theoretical and clinical knowledge they need to provide mental h... more
У цьому модулі описано основні принципи медичної допомоги людям, які її потребують, зокрема людям з ПНПР-розладами, а також їхнім доглядачам. У першому підрозділі ... more
mhGAP Training Manual for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings – version 2.0 (for field testing)
Accessed: 21.03.2019

Disorders due to substance use

World Health Organization (2019) C_WHO
Accessed: 21.03.2019
MhGAP-IG – это примерное руководство, поэтому крайне важно адаптировать его в соответствии с уникальной национальной или местной ситуацией. Пользователи могут выбра... more
Q8. SCOPING QUESTION: In people with bipolar disorders who require maintenance treatment, are a) antipsychotics or b) mood stabilizers (lithium, valproate or carbamazepine) effective and safe?
As part of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme, WHO has developed training manuals (Training of trainers and supervisors training manual and Training of health-care providers training manual) to support implementation of the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use (MNS... more
Overview Learning objectives • Understand the mental health treatment gap in low-, middle- and high-income countries. • Understand the principles and aims of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme. • Acquire an introduction to mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG). • Learn about mhGAP ToH... more
DEM supporting material • Person stories • Role plays • Case scenarios • Treatment planning handouts • Treatment planning suggestions • Multiple choice questions • Video link Activity 3: mhGAP DEM module – assessment
Під час гуманітарних надзвичайних станів у загальних закладах охорони здоров’я має бути принаймні один медичний працівник, який, працюючи під супервізією, буде ... more
The Thinking Health manual outlines an evidence-based approach describing how community health workers can reduce prenatal depression through evidence-based cognitive-behavioural techniques recommended by the mhGAP programme. This manual is the first volume of WHO’s new series on low-intensity p... more
Q8.SCOPING QUESTION: In adults and older adolescents with depressive disorder, what is the comparative effectiveness of different formats of psychological treatments?
Key messages include Effective communication skills should be used for everyone seeking health care, including people with MNS conditions and their carers; Effective communication skills enable health-care providers to build rapport and trust with people as well as enabling health-care providers to... more
[Updated 2015] Scoping Question: In adults with acute convulsive seizures in first-level care or in the community (when no IV access is available), which antiepileptic medications produce benefits and/or harm when compared to comparator?
PSY supporting material • Person stories • Case scenarios • Role plays • Multiple choice questions • Video links