Learn Global Health online from 93 Global Health courses from top institutions like Yale University and University of Copenhagen. Some courses are also available in Spanish and French.
Accessed 6th March 2019.
Here you can find online courses on drug development, Pharmacology of Antibacterial Agents, pharmaceutical devices, etc.
Having completed this course, learners will be able to: Describe and analyze the opportunities, challenges and limits of Global Health Diplomacy. Examine the diplomatic, financial, and geopolitical context that underlies global health decision-making. Explain the role of the many players in the spac...e, including governments, philanthropists, and multilateral institutions . Course Objective The field of global health is often thought of purely in medical or public health terms, but there are important geopolitical and policy dimensions of global health that underlie programmatic responses to global health challenges. By completing this course, learners will be able to explain the specific institutions and initiatives that are fundamental to current global health diplomacy activities and functions, and how these influence global health outcomes. Learners will further be able to summarize real-world examples where global health diplomacy either helped or limited global health outcomes, and explain the reasons for those outcomes.
Accessed July 27th, 2019
This course introduces the basic actions that should be performed by eyewitnesses right at an emergency scene. The course consists of 5 blocks: a) first aid for heart arrest (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) b) first aid for airway obstruction and drowning c) first aid for bleeding, injuries, trauma d...) first aid for physical factors exposure e) first aid for life-threatening conditions such as stroke, epilepsy, and heart attack Educational material includes pictures and videos made at the Simulation Center at Kazan Federal University to better understand the topics. After the course, you will be able to identify life-threatening conditions, explain the reasons lead to their development, and provide correct first aid.
The course will cover the topics related to antimicrobial resistance with basic definitions and overview on antimicrobials their use and the emergence and spread of resistance. The course will guide you through the concepts and the importance of resistance spread and dissemination and how that happ...ens. It will show you how bacteria become resistant and which mechanisms they might use for this. And as part of the course you will also receive some training in methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) and detection of specific resistance in the microbiological laboratories with the basic methods available and with focus on the obtention of good quality results which can be interpreted and used for different purposes.
Antibiotics are among the most frequently prescribed classes of drugs and it is estimated that approximately 50% of antibiotic use, in both the outpatient and inpatient settings, is inappropriate. At the same time, in contrast to any other class of drugs, every antibiotic use has a potential public ...health consequence – inappropriate use may not harm only the individual patient, but contributes to societal harm by exerting an unnecessary selective pressure that may lead to antibiotic resistance among bacteria. This video based course will introduce learners to the basic principles of appropriate antibiotic use, demonstrate how to apply these principles to the management of common infections, and outline how to develop and maintain an antimicrobial stewardship program. We will offer a number of illustrative cases, recognizable to the practicing physician in his or her practice to engage learners in the thought processes that lead to optimal decision making, improved outcomes of individual patients, and harm reduction vis-a-vis the bacterial ecology.
Study cardiovascular principles for understanding heart health. Learn about cardiovascular diseases, treatments, and prevention strategies.
The Coursera page titled "Best Cardiovascular Courses Online with Certificates [2024]" offers a curated selection of online courses focused on cardiovascular h...ealth. These courses cover topics such as cardiovascular diseases, treatments, and prevention strategies. Learners can filter courses by subject, language, level, duration, and skills to find options that best suit their needs. The platform provides courses from various universities and institutions, allowing individuals to enroll for free, earn certificates, and build job-ready skills at their own pace.
These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) explore the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and interviews with scholars, religious leaders, and environmental practitioners from around ...the world. They highlight religious ideas and practices inspiring ecojustice movements in response to the challenges of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and interviews with scholars, religious leaders, and environmental practitioners from around the world. They highlight religious ideas and practices inspiring eco-justice movements in response to the challenges of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and pollution
The SAFE Paediatric Anaesthesia course is an 'off the shelf package' supported by a facilitator manual, teaching materials and standard operating procedures. It is hoped that the course is clinically relevant and will improve the practice of anaesthesia for children to a safe standard.
A Training Course for Service Providers
These easy to use e-learning modules will teach you different strategies to use at home with your child. This course focuses on supporting you on how to use everyday play and home activities as opportunities for learning and development. Specifically, how to support your child to improve their commu...nication, how to engage and interact with them, and how to encourage positive behaviour and teach them new skills for everyday life.
Including Autism
This document offers public health guidance for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in reception centres, and other temporary accommodation facilities, in the context of the mass influx of Ukrainian people into the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Republic of Moldova.
Senegal is on course to meet the global target for under-five overweight, but is off course to meet the targets for all other indicators analysed with adequate data.
This course introduces participants to the foundations of vaccine pharmacovigilance. The aim of this course is to provide healthcare professionals whose work involve vaccine safety issues, with essential knowledge about vaccines and their safety aspects. These professionals can include nurses, midwi...ves, community health workers, as well as pharmacists, medical doctors and immunization programme or vaccine safety communication officers.
CDC course for volunteers going to Africa. Please find out mor infos on the CDC website
All health workers require knowledge and skills to care for patients safely and protect themselves from undue harm. This course was developed due to the enormous emphasis placed on need for safe provision of oxygen to patients with COVID-19, but can be used for conditions beyond COVID-19. This cours...e teaches how to choose the right equipment for your facility, how to set up new respiratory equipment, how to clinically use respiratory equipment, how to maintain equipment, including troubleshooting, repairs and infection prevention and control, and how to decommission equipment.