The ten mythbusters, available in English and Siswati, were developed based on feedback received from chiefdom leadership who identified prevailing myths and misconceptions related to COVID-19 prevention, treatment or stigma related to recovery.
Key mythbusters tackle use of alcohol, garlic, hot ...baths, home remedies, sex, bleach and sanitizer, and hydroxychoroquine, with key facts. They also address misconceptions that only urban populations or older people are affected and reassure people about recovery.
Available in Englisch and Siswati
Könnte ich mich mit dem neuartigen Corona-Virus infiziert haben?
Recomendações gerais: • Colocar o paciente em um quarto individual bem ventilado (com as janelas abertas). • Limitar o movimento do paciente pela casa e minimizar o espaço a ser compartilhado. Certificar-se de que os espaços compartilhados estejam bem ventilados. • Separar os espaços para... dormir e, quando possível, colocar o paciente em um quarto separado. • Lavar frequentemente as mãos com água e sabão por 40 a 60 segundos e pelo menos nos seguintes momentos críticos
This document offers tools to help journalists practice responsible coverage of the pandemic using evidence-based information. It also proposes ways to approach coverage and encourages journalists to provide advice and solutions that can help reduce health risks and save lives.
Village Hope Core International works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and along with the Kenya Red Cross and Plan International are training their community health workers with these materials. Village HopeCore has reassigned their handwashing stations from schools to health facilities ...and are working on other solutions such as telemedicine, digital communication and other community-based interventions.
This fact sheet provides basic information about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
The Big Idea of the Week delves deeper into a specific COVID-related topic. Each week, Big Idea tackles a specific area of COVID-19 and provides important information, guidelines, and messages for the public.
La cartilla proporciona información sobre la tuberculosis a los padres de familia y cuidadores, a fin de que desarrollen comportamientos saludables, apliquen en su hogar entornos saludables para evitar el riesgo de desarrollar la tuberculosis; sepan reconocer los síntomas para una detección preco...z; y si detectaran un posible caso de la enfermedad, acudir al establecimiento de salud para su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.
La cartilla proporciona información sobre la tuberculosis a los agentes comunitarios de salud, a fin de que desarrollen comportamientos saludables, apliquen en su hogar entornos saludables para evitar el riesgo de desarrollar la tuberculosis; sepan reconocer los síntomas para una detección precoz...; y si detectaran un posible caso de la enfermedad, acudir al establecimiento de salud para su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.
Existe mucha información circulando alrededor del
coronavirus, pero no toda es verdad.
Es importante estar bien informados para así poder protegernos y proteger a nuestras comunidades
Tenho hipertensão ou diabetes, como me cuidar na pandemia?
Em tempos da covid-19, pessoas com doenças crônicas precisam reforçar o autocuidado
Talking about COVID-19 to young children
A guide to talking about Coronavirus in a simple, clear and reassuring way.