Yaws is a non-venereal endemic treponemal infection caused by Treponema pallidum sub-species pertenue, a bacterium closely related to Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum, the agent of venereal syphilis. Yaws predominantly affects children living in tropical regions of the world. It causes lesions of th...e skin, mucous membranes and bones which, without treatment, can become chronic and destructive. There is no widely available test to distinguish yaws from syphilis. Thus, migration of people from yaws-endemic areas to developed countries may present clinicians with diagnostic dilemmas. The other endemic treponemal infections are bejel (endemic syphilis) caused by Treponema pallidum ssp. endemicum and pinta caused by Treponema carateum.
An interregional meeting on leishmaniasis among neighbouring endemic
countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, African and European regions was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean in Amman, Jordan, from 23 to 25 September 2018. The meeting attended by representatives from the health ministries of Albania, Georgia, Greece, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia. Representatives from Afghanistan, Algeria and Libya were unable to attend. The Secretariat comprised staff from WHO headquarters, WHO regional offices in the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Europe, WHO country offices in Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, and WHO temporary advisors from Spain and Tunisia.
Snakebite is an acute life threatening time limiting medical emergency. It is a preventable public
health hazard often faced by rural population in tropical and subtropical countries with heavy
rainfall and humid climate.
Les présentes lignes directrices ont pour objet de préparer les pays d’endémie à arrêter l’AMM à l’issue du traitement, à passer à la surveillance post-thérapeutique ainsi qu’à confirmer l’interruption de la transmission à l’issue de la phase 2 et à débuter la surveillance p...ost-élimination.
Le but est de fournir un outil actualisé pour atteindre et vérifier l’élimination de la
transmission d’Ovolvulus à l’issue des programmes d’élimination de l’onchocercose qui utilisent principalement l’AMM.
Les objectifs sont de :
• formuler des recommandations basées sur des preuves à l’intention des prestataires de soins et des décideurs en matière de politique pour démontrer et confirmer l’interruption de la transmission d’O. volvulus avant, pendant et après la surveillance post-thérapeutique ;
• informer les utilisateurs finaux des procédures nécessaires pour vérifier l’élimination de l’onchocercose humaine.
Humans can become infected with T. saginata or T. asiatica when they consume infected beef meat or pig liver tissue, respectively, which has not been adequately cooked, but taeniasis due to T. saginata or T. asiatica has no major impact on human health. Therefore, this fact sheet refers to the trans...mission and health impacts of T. solium only.
The new WHO recommendations for rabies immunization supersede the 2010 WHO position
on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for rabies. These updated
recommendations are based on new evidence and directed by public health needs that are cost-,
dose- and time-sparing..., while assuring safety and clinical effectiveness. In addition, new guidance on
prudent use of rabies immunoglobulins (RIG) is provided.
The following sections summarize the main points of the updated WHO position as endorsed by the
Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization (SAGE) at its meeting in October 20171. The full
version of the WHO position on rabies vaccines and immunoglobulins will be published in the Weekly
Epidemiological Record2 in April 2018.
Rabies prevention involves two main strategies: (i) dog vaccination to interrupt virus transmission to
humans; and (ii) human vaccination as a series of vaccine administrations before or after an exposure.
Currently, rabies vaccines made from inactivated cell cultures are extremely well tolerated and have no
2018 has been one of the most successful years ever for Mission Rabies. We are on
the cusp of having almost vaccinated one million dogs in global rabies hotspots,
we’ve educated over two million children and we’re seeing a dramatic reduction in
both human and canine rabies in all our flagship... project sites!! The app is now
developing in conjunction with CDC in the US, our work is being published at an
unprecedented rate and we’re still only four years old!
Rabies is a public health problem in Asia and vaccine affordability is an issue.
There is no reduction in the number of persons seeking post-exposure prophylaxis.
The high cost of cell culture vaccines for intramuscular use is a limiting factor.
Intradermal rabies vaccination offers cost-effectiv...e alternative to intramuscular.
WHO recommended one week intradermal schedule will ensure good patient compliance.
For more than 100 years, the clearest route to elimination of dog-mediated rabies has been via mass vaccination of the animal hosts. It’s worked in plenty of countries. Still, in others, like India, which grapples with a third of the world’s rabies burden, large populations of free-roaming, hard...-to-track, often hard-to-reach dogs have made elimination an elusive goal.
World Rabies Day is the biggest event on the global rabies calendar, coordinated by GARC and it has been commemorated every year on September 28 – the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur – since 2007. World Rabies Day aims to raise awareness and advocate for rabies elimination globally. It... is an event designed to be inclusive, uniting people, organizations, and stakeholders across all sectors against rabies – because together we can eliminate rabies! With this concept of togetherness and unity in mind, the theme for this year’s World Rabies Day is: Rabies: One Health, Zero Deaths.
Rabies is transmitted when saliva or neural tissue of an infected animal is introduced into the body. Exposure can occur through a bite, scratch, or contact with saliva to broken skin or mucous membranes such as the eyes or mouth, BUT rabies is preventable! Vaccinations for your pets and livestock key. To report an animal bite or incident between 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, choose your county's office from the map on the EA Regional Office page and contact them for assistance. On nights, weekends, or holidays, call 1-888-847-0902.
These new guidelines should help medical and paramedical professionals to provide the state of art rabies prophylaxis to all animal bite victims in the government hospitals and prevent human rabies deaths in the state. The medical officers whenever in doubt are encouraged to contact the state nodal ...officer and seek further clarifications regarding PEP.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply
the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorites, or
concerning the delimitation of its f...rontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps
represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
El pian es una treponematosis endémica, un grupo de infecciones bacterianas crónicas causadas por espiroquetas del género Treponema, entre las que se encuentran también la sífilis endémica (bejel) y el mal de pinto. El pian es la más frecuente de las tres.
Le pian fait partie d’un groupe d’infections bactériennes chroniques que l’on désigne couramment par le terme « tréponématoses endémiques ». Ces maladies sont dues à des bactéries spiralées appartenant au genre Treponema, qui comprend aussi la syphilis endémique (béjel) et la pinta.... Le pian est la plus courante de ces trois infections.
Фрамбезия относится к группе хронических бактериальных инфекций, в совокупности называемых эндемическими трепонематозами. Возбудителями этих заболеваний, к кот...рым также относятся эндемический сифилис (беджель) и пинта, являются спиралевидные бактерии рода Treponema. Фрамбезия — самая распространенная из этих трех инфекций.
حقائق رئيسية
الداء العليقي هو مرض مزمن مشِّوه وموهِّن من أمراض الأطفال المعدية.
يصيب هذا المرض الجلد والعظام والغضاريف. ويُعتقد في الوقت الحالي أن الإنسان هو المست...ودع الوحيد لهذا المرض الذي ينتقل من شخص إلى آخر.
يعالج الداء العليقي بجرعة فموية واحدة من مضاد حيوي رخيص يسمى أزيثروميسين.
يوجد حالياً 15 بلداً يُعرف أنه موطون بالداء العليقي.
Дракункулез редко приводит к смертельному исходу, но на много недель и месяцев нарушает нормальное функционирование пораженных инвазией лиц. Проблема затрагивае... население сельских, неблагополучных и отдаленных районов, в которых основным источником питьевой воды являются открытые водоемы со стоячей водой, в частности пруды.
ونادراً ما يسبب داء التنينات الوفاة، بيد أن المصابين به يعجزون عن القيام بأعمالهم على مدى أسابيع وأشهر من الزمن. ويصيب الداء الناس الذين يعيشون في مجتمعات ريفية ومح...ومة ومعزولة ويعتمدون بشكل رئيسي على مصادر المياه المفتوحة الراكدة كالبرك للحصول على مياه الشرب