Desta et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:38
Download des neuen Kapitels Kinder Ergänzung der 1. und 2. Auflage. Ende 2015 erscheint voraussichtlich tıp doc emergency als e-Book/pdf in 20 Sprachen für circa 20 €
PERC produces regional and member state situation analyses, updated regularly.
28 January 2021. The purpose of this document is to provide interim guidance on laboratory biosafety related to the testing of clinical specimens of patients.
Accessed online January 2018
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 88 - This further analysis examines levels, trends, and determinants of neonatal mortality in Rwanda, using data from the 2000, 2005, and 2010 Rwanda Demographic and Health Surveys (RDHS).
This dashboard is a visualization of a study of global vaccine acceptance
The primary audience for this guideline includes health-care professionals who are responsible for developing national and local health-care protocols and policies, as well as managers of maternal and child health programmes and policy-makers in all settings. The guideline will also be useful to directly providing care to pregnant women and preterm infants, such as obstetricians, paediatricians, midwives, nurses and general practitioners. The information in this guideline will be useful for developing job aids and tools for pre- and in-service training of health workers to enhance their delivery of maternal and neonatal care relating to preterm birth.
Tests zur Detektion einer Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 (neuartiges Coronavirus) sowie zum Nachweis von Antikörpern gehören zu den sog. In-vitro-Diagnostika (IVD). Das erstmalige Inverkehrbringen von In-vitro-Diagnostika auf dem deutschen Markt ist nach §§ 25 und 30 Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG) anzeig...epflichtig. Das DIMDI betreibt dafür die Datenbank "In-vitro-Diagnostika-Anzeigen (MPIVDA)", in welcher demnach auch Daten von "Corona-Tests" von den anzeigepflichtigen deutschen Herstellern und Bevollmächtigten bzw. Einführern erfasst werden.