The Global Breast Cancer Initiative aims to address disparities in access to care to reduce mortality rates globally. Patient navigation is an evidence-based personalized intervention designed to guide patients through often complex cancer care systems to receive timely access, particularly in low-i...ncome and minority populations. It is useful in settings with limited availability, fragmented healthcare systems and socioeconomic barriers that hinder early detection and treatment. It is proven to significantly reduce delays, improve patient adherence to care and enhance survival rates. The model involves helping individuals and their families to tackle barriers such as cultural stigma, misinformation, and psychosocial, among others, that can delay or prevent access to timely care. It can also reduce financial strain, streamline care coordination and improve the overall quality of life by connecting patients with affordable treatment options and support systems to address their needs in the course of treatment.
High variability in the definition and interpretation of organized cancer screening needs to be addressed systematically. Moreover, the relevance of the current practice of categorizing screening programmes dichotomously into organized or non-organized needs to be revisited in the context of conside...rable heterogeneity that exists in the delivery of cancer screening in the real world. We aimed to identify the essential and desirable criteria for organized cancer screening that serve as a charter of best practices in cancer screening.