Accessed on 26.01.22
Website: Nurses for Planetary Health: A Call to Action
Protecting Patients, Supporting Practitioners in Tandem.
HRI Global is an independent health consultancy which specialises in Whole Health System Strengthening in the public and private sector by implementing the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme (12-PCGP) in primary, secondary and tertiary h...ealth facilities/institutions; by working with the management and staff of the institutions and with local and national government. The programme protects patients and supports practitioners in tandem, enabling the facilities to become clinically governed to deliver quality and patient-centered care.
HRI Global is the founder and lead implementer of the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme, which was designed and piloted in Cross River State, Nigeria, in 2004. HRI Global’s home-grown version of Clinical Governance is suitable for low and middle income countries (LMICs) in both government and privately-owned health facilities.
AHRO Reviews of Nursing is an international open-access journal that promotes the dissemination of quality knowledge in all aspects of nursing practice
The AHRO Review of Nursing (ARN) is an international, open-access, peer reviewed, scientific journal that seeks to promote the dissemination of q...uality knowledge related to all spheres of nursing practice. The primary aim is to promote a high standard of clinically related scholarship which advances and supports the practice and discipline of nursing. The Journal also aims to promote the international exchange of ideas and experience that draws from the different cultures in which practice takes place. Further, ARN seeks to enrich insight into clinical need and the implications for nursing intervention and models of service delivery. Emphasis is placed on promoting critical debate on the art and science of nursing practice.
ARN is essential reading for anyone involved in nursing practice, whether clinicians, researchers, educators, managers, policy makers, or students. The development of clinical practice and the changing patterns of inter-professional working are also central to ARN's scope of interest. Contributions are welcomed from other health professionals on issues that have a direct impact on nursing practice.
WHO is working with Viamo, a global social enterprise improving lives via mobile, to provide WHO’s COVID-19 information, including vaccines, to the hardest to reach populations, in their languages, through the mobile phones they own. This includes people with simple phones (feature phones) or with... limited access to the internet. Since the onset of COVID-19, Viamo’s 3-2-1 Service has become a trusted, toll-free source of life-saving COVID-19 health information for people in 19 countries. Listeners dial in and access important messages that help them make better informed decisions to live healthier lives.
The Healthy Newborn Network (HNN) is an online community dedicated to addressing critical knowledge gaps in newborn health.
AMCC, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) association governed by the law of 1901, the French branch of the INCTR (International Network for Treatment and Research on Cancer) mainly oriented towards women's and children's cancers, aims to strengthen the fight against cancer in low- and countries through training, education, teaching, research with support for therapeutic care.
The Mission of ANHE: Promoting healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence-based practice, and influencing policy.
This website provides an insight into environmental health in health care settings and their wor...k. You will find information about following topics:
Education, Research, Practice, Policy-Advocacy, Climate Change, Safer Chemicals, Food Sustainability, Energy and Health and much more.
accessed 30.07.2021
The Community Health Academy works to train and grow the community health workforce. While we prioritize the health workers in the five countries where Last Mile Health works, we also share many of our products and services globally to support the health workforce.
The Academy’s scope is two-fo...ld:
Partner with governments to design, digitize, and deliver training for community and frontline health workers.
Partner with governments to train health leaders to effectively manage community health systems.
Find information on health conditions, wellness issues, and more in easy-to-read language on MedlinePlus, the up-to-date, trusted health information site from the NIH and the National Library of Medicine.
This toolkit was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) to provide healthcare organizations, including those in resource-constrained settings, with the information and resources to implement the HMP and improve hyper...tension control among their patients. CDC DHDSP developed an online toolkit that consists of interactive e-learning modules that are designed to guide learners through the key features of the ten HMP components and prepare them for implementation at their health system. The online e-learning modules are accompanied by a PDF toolkit document that can be used as an additional resource for users.
The purposes of this toolkit and the associated online e-learning modules are to provide healthcare organizations:
An overview of the HMP, its ten core components, and suggestions for implementing the HMP in clinical settings.
Guidance to staff, administrators, and other healthcare professionals on how to implement and adapt the HMP for their unique clinical setting.
The online e-learning modules you can find here:
accessed 29.07.2021
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse at no cost.
Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare’s mission is to provide news, science, research, and a forum for opinion for clinicians, healthcare professionals, and everyone interested in improving quality in healthcare.
Topics from this internet platform are:
News&Analyses, Magazines, Podcast, Resources ...and much more.
Failure to access and apply reliable healthcare information is a leading cause of preventable death and suffering worldwide. HIFA (Healthcare Information For All) is a global social movement to improve the availability and use of reliable healthcare information and reduce the harms of misinformation.... It has more than 20,000 members (health workers, librarians, publishers, researchers, policymakers...) and works closely with the World Health Organization.
accessed 30.07.2021
PCI works with partners to strengthen the primary healthcare workforce and the systems around them, with a particular focus on NCDs. We advise and support our partners across a range of building blocks of primary care to improve the quality of care and to strengthen clinical and community-based mana...gement of healthcare.
We work to build confidence and capacity, co-creating innovative, practical solutions to the endemic challenges facing healthcare systems in diverse settings globally. With a firm belief in compassionate, person-centred healthcare, PCI occupies a unique position, bringing deep clinical and systems expertise to integrated primary healthcare
The International Council of Nurses is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations, representing the more than 27 million nurses worldwide.
ICN's ever-increasing networks and connections to people reinforce the importance of strong linkages with national, regional and international n...ursing and non-nursing organisations. Building positive relationships internationally helps position ICN, nurses and nursing for now and the future. Our work with the specialised agencies of the United Nations system, particularly with the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organisation and the World Bank, are important for nurses everywhere. In addition, we work closely with a range of international non-governmental organisations and other partners.
accessed 30.07.2021
Accessed 15 July 2021
Your source for information about community health workers around the globe.
Search Resources Learn More
CHW Central believes that community health workers are key to achieving universal health coverage and reducing global health inequities. As the preeminent resource on CHWs and CHW programs, CHW Central increases access to online information to improve the quality of CHW programs and services. We advocate for CHWs to be appropriately integrated into the global health workforce and represented and connected through strong networks and associations.
That’s what Nurses International is all about. We’re non-profit and entirely focused on helping nurses obtain the education and the support they need to make a difference in developing nations worldwide.
We connect colleges and institutions with experts who can take their nursing programs to ...the next level. We help establish new nursing programs where they’re needed most. And we eliminate the barriers that stand between students and education.
accessed 30.07.2021
The global voice for patient-centred healthcare
IAPO is a unique global alliance representing patients of all nations across all disease areas and promoting patient-centred healthcare across the world.
The Global Health Network enables easier, faster, and better research in the world’s most challenging settings.
Capacity Development and Process Improvement:
Regional and online training, resources and professional development to build skills and careers that deliver evidence to change practic...e.
Knowledge Sharing Hubs:
Transferring knowledge and exchanging methods, processes and research findings between diseases, regions and organisations.
accessed 30.07.2021