Steady progress in the scaleup of VMMC as an HIV prevention intervention in 15 eastern and southern African countries before the SARS-CoV2 pandemic
Male Circumcision as an HIV Prevention Method
Accessed: 02.03.2020
Accessed 02.03.2020
The Global Prevalence of Male Circumcision
Accessed: 02.03.2020
Health Benefits and Associated Risks
Accessed: 02.03.2020
WHO Progress Brief
Progress Brief
July 2017
Circumcision – consultative review of additional information, 12 August 2016
21 September 2016
Version 2, updated 17 March 2016
Public Report
PQMC 0001-001-04 WHO PQMC Public Report November/2016, version 8.0
Public Report
PQMC 0003-003-00 WHO PQMC PR June/2015, version 2.0
Male circumcision reduces a man’s risk of heterosexual acquisition of HIV by about 60%. This guideline provides an evidence-based recommendation on the use of adult male circumcision devices for HIV prevention in public health programmes in high HIV prevalence, resource-limited settings. It also p...resents key programmatic considerations for the introduction and use of these devices in public health HIV prevention programmes. The primary audiences are policy- and decision-makers, programme managers, health-care providers, donors and implementing agencies.