Twenty-Fourth Annual Trachoma Control Program Review, Summary Proceedings
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
One of the ongoing challenges with neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) is that the discovery of medicines to treat them has been very slow. Current global programmes for NTDs largely depend on donated medicines, primarily to treat the world’s poorest people ... most of whom live in remote rural or in deprived urban settings.
WHO recently spoke to Mr Robert J. Gyurik, who discovered albendazole in 1972. He took us through the journey that led him to develop the compound.
Websites last accessed on 04.04.2023
Chagas disease, also known as the “kissing disease,” is considered one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), which are diseases that have been forgotten by developed countries because they usually plague lower-income countries.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty (2022) 11:111; With some 134,073,166 people living in endemic communities at risk of infection, Nigeria is the most endemic country in Africa and requires preventive chemotherapy (PC) for a total of 26.3 million persons. The National Schistosomiasis Elimination (NSCHEP), with the support of international partners, has been implementing PC in Nigeria since 2009 and most recently will need to revise its current strategy (Additional file 1). For example, the new World Health Organization (WHO) guideline has six key recommendations that will dramatically change the implementation of schistosomiasis elimination in endemic countries [3]. However, its impact and programmatic implications will vary from country to country, hence the need for a country-specific analysis. This article discusses these recommendations with specific reference to the challenges and opportunities in Nigeria. We summarise the key pointers in Additional file 1: Box 1 against the six recommendations of the WHO 2022 guideline.
Фрамбезия относится к группе хронических бактериальных инфекций, в совокупности называемых эндемическими трепонематозами. Возбудителями этих заболеваний, к кот...рым также относятся эндемический сифилис (беджель) и пинта, являются спиралевидные бактерии рода Treponema. Фрамбезия — самая распространенная из этих трех инфекций.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 16(10): e0009774. Although the practice of communication is often called upon when intervening asn involgvingcommunties affected by NTD's, the disciplinary framewokr of healt communication research has been largely absent from NTD strategies. To illustrate how practices conceptual...ized and developed within the communication field habe been applied in the context of NTD elimination, we conducted a scoping review focusing on two diseases currently targeted for elimination by the WHO: lymphatic filariasis and Chagas disease
إن داء شاغاس المعروف أيضا باسم داء المثقبيات الأمريكي، مرض قد يكون مهدداً للحياة يسببه الطفيلي الأوّالي المعروف باسم المِثْقَبِيَّة الكروزيَّة.
يُعد داء الفيلاريات اللمفي المعروف بداء الفيل أحد أمراض المناطق المدارية المُهمَلة. وتحدث العدوى بهذا المرض عندما تنتقل الطفيليات الفيلارية إلى الإنسان عن طريق ال...عوض، وعادة ما تُكتَسب في مرحلة الطفولة، وتُسبِّب ضرراً خفياً للجهاز اللمفي.
La dengue est une maladie virale transmise par les moustiques qui s’est rapidement propagée dans toutes les Régions de l’OMS ces dernières années. Le virus de la dengue est transmis par des moustiques femelles, principalement de l’espèce Aedes aegypti, mais aussi dans une moindre mesure A...e. albopictus. Ces moustiques sont aussi vecteurs du virus du chikungunya, du virus amaril et du virus Zika. La dengue est largement répandue sous les tropiques, avec des variations locales du risque qui dépendent des caractéristiques climatiques, ainsi que de facteurs sociaux et environnementaux.
Le pian fait partie d’un groupe d’infections bactériennes chroniques que l’on désigne couramment par le terme « tréponématoses endémiques ». Ces maladies sont dues à des bactéries spiralées appartenant au genre Treponema, qui comprend aussi la syphilis endémique (béjel) et la pinta.... Le pian est la plus courante de ces trois infections.
Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease with a wide variety of parasite species, reservoirs, and vectors involved in transmission. It is caused by different species of the protozoa Leishmania and is transmitted to animals and humans through a bite of insects in the Psychodidae family. Its presence i...s directly linked to poverty, but social, environmental, and climatalogic factors directly influence the disease's epidemiology.
Trachoma is an eye infection affecting both eyes. It is the world’s leading cause of infectious blindness. A bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis causes trachoma. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), trachoma has caused the visual impairment of 1.8 million people. Of those people, 4...50,000 are irreversibly blind.
The WHO estimates that 19 million children aged 15 years or younger are visually impaired. Of these, 1.4 million are irreversibly blind and need visual rehabilitation interventions for full psychological and personal development. The remainder have visual problems that could be prevented or treated.... Identifying children with visual problems early in life so that they can benefit from medical and optical interventions remains a key challenge for most child eye health programmes. Reports from various low-and middle-income countries indicate that the age of children undergoing operation for cataract is frequently too high to achieve maximum benefit.
Schistosomiasis, also known as Bilharzia, is an infection caused by a parasitic worm that lives in fresh water in subtropical and tropical regions. Schistosomiasis is second only to malaria as the most devastating parasitic disease. The parasites that cause schistosomiasis live in certain types of f...reshwater snails. The infectious form, known as cercariae, emerge from the snail and then contaminate the water. People become infected when their skin comes into contact with the contaminated freshwater. Most human infections are caused by Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma haematobium, or Schistosoma japonicum.
La leishmaniasis es una enfermedad tropical desatendida sensible
al clima, trasmitida por la picadura de insectos flebótomos y
se calcula que amenaza a mil millones de personas en todo el mundo.
Esta enfermedad altamente compleja se presenta de varias formas
clínicas, causadas por 20 especies ...del parásito Leishmania.
Humans can become infected with T. saginata or T. asiatica when they consume infected beef meat or pig liver tissue, respectively, which has not been adequately cooked, but taeniasis due to T. saginata or T. asiatica has no major impact on human health. Therefore, this fact sheet refers to the trans...mission and health impacts of T. solium only.
The Indigenous tribe called the Wiwa lives retracted in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Little is known about their health status and whether the health care system in place covers their needs.
Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral disease which occurs in more than 150 countries and territories. Dogs are the source of the vast majority of human rabies deaths, contributing up to 99% of all rabies transmissions to humans.
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102891Little progress has been made since the 1960s and 19. 70s to widen the therapeutic arsenal against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative pathogen of Chagas disease, which remains a frustrating and perplexing infectious disease. This chapter focuses on the strategic and opera...tional challenges in the clinical drug development of a novel antitrypanosomal agent for Chagas disease. The various elements that contribute to a robust assessment of treatment effect including dose selection, choice of patient population, trial methodology, endpoint measures, and regulatory perspectives are discussed. The learnings herein should serve as resource to help researchers and other stakeholders optimize their clinical development plans and speed delivery of new medicines to patients with Chagas disease.