Document type
Resource Platforms
Fact sheets
Countries / Regions
Authors & Publishers
Centers for disease control and prevention CDC
Chagas Coalition
Boem, M.
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Government of United Kingdom
Infectious Diseases Data Observatory IDDO
Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
Sanmartino, M. et al.
World Heart Federation
Publication Years
Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
Capacity Building
Education and information about Chagas Disease epidemiology and risk factors.
La enfermedad de Chagas, también conocida como tripanosomiasis americana, es causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi. La forma más común de contraer la infección es a través del contacto con las heces de un insecto triatominio (conocido con los nombres de chinche besucona, benchuca, vinchuca... more
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners. Chagas disease is increasingly reported in Latin American migrants who have settled in Europe. It has rarely been reported in the UK due to lack of testing and awareness. Chagas disease (American trypanosomia... more
Chagas disease is found mainly in endemic areas of 21 continental Latin American countries. The most common way people are infected with Chagas is through the blood-sucking triatomine bugs, also known as ‘kissing bugs’ (or vinchuca, barbeiro, pito, chinche, chipo in different Latin American coun... more
Global chagas coalitions members contributions
Education and information about Chagas Disease, Triatomine bugs, Kissing Bugs, fact sheets, information for special groups, prevention and control, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment for Health Professionals.
Trailer zum Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sow... more
Trailer zum Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sow... more
Ein Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sowohl die ... more
The Chagas disease data platform is founded upon a collaborative framework that aims to bring together partners including individual researchers in Chagas endemic regions, leading global research institutions, policy specialists and funders from across the globe. The theme is coordinated by a team b... more
Chagas disease is named after the Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered the disease in 1909. It is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to animals and people by insect vectors and is found only in the Americas (mainly, in rural areas of Latin America where pover... more
This is a tool meant to share and train the healthcare workers with precise and updated information about Chagas disease, in order to increase the amount of diagnostics and treatments amongst the affected people.
Chagas disease, which is caused by infection with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is known as the silent disease. An estimated 8 million people have the disease and most of them do not know that they are infected.
Causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, la enfermedad de Chagas es una enfermedad silenciosa. Se estima que 8 millones de personas son portadoras y la mayoría no lo sabe.

Hablamos de chagas. Aportes para (re)pensar la problemática con una mirada integral

Sanmartino, M. et al. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (2015) C2
Este libro, editado por el Programa de Promoción de Vocaciones Científicas (VocAr) perteneciente a la Dirección de Relaciones Institucionales del CONICET, es producto del trabajo colectivo de personas que formamos del grupo ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Chagas? (CONICET-UNLP-CIIE). Cada u... more