Chagas disease is a parasitic, systemic, and chronic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, with risk factors strongly link to low socioeconomic factors. Chagas disease is considered a neglected tropical disease. It is endemic in 21 countries in the Americas, although the migration of in...fected people can transport the disease to non-endemic countries of America and the world.
Página web de recursos con fichas descriptivas, mapas y cuadros de mando, y recursos relacionados
Resource Website with fact sheets, maps and dashboards, and related resources
Website available in Englisch and Spnish
La Plataforma BeatChagas es el canal que utiliza el Grupo Técnico Nro. 6 en Información, Educación y Comunicación (TG6-IEC Chagas) del Programa de Chagas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para comunicar y compartir herramientas de información, educación y comunicación (IEC) vincul...adas con la problemática de Chagas.
This practical guideline establishes definitions for “contact”, “contact person”, “contact tracing” and other associated concepts. It allows for improvement of contact tracing strategies and provides recommendations attempting to answer some, though not all, questions that arose during t...he 2019 coronavirus pandemic and other outbreaks. The use of this guideline begins once people have been diagnosed and the potential for transmission exists. It is not, however, intended to assist with case investigation. The guideline empowers health workers, governments, and public health officials with the tools to implement effective contact tracing strategies.
The Lancet Microbe Volume 5, Issue 10100982October 2024
video: La enfermerdad de Chagas es causada po el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi. Se transmite a través de un insecto llamada chimche o pito, que se alimenta de sangre y deposita sus heces en la picadura que produce; o por transfusiones, durante el embarazo de madre a hijo, trasplantes de órganos o v...a oral.
The Lancet Volume 403, Issue 10422p203-218January 13, 2024, Free Download with free registration
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2024;37: 100881
Published Online 13 September 2024 100881
MEDBOX Issue Brief no.35: The first issue brief on the NTD Toolbox contains general strategies, roadmaps, key treatment guidelines, reports, and training material on Buruli ulcer, Chagas, and Leishmaniasis.
Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. Infection is transmitted to humans when bitten by Triatominae (reduviid, kissing, or assassin) bugs in South and Central America, Mexico, and very rarely in the US. Less commonly, T. cruzi is transmitted via ingestion of sugar cane juice or food contami...nated with infected Triatominae bugs or their feces, transplacentally from an infected mother to her fetus, or via blood transfusion or an organ transplant from an infected donor.
Video with English Subtitles
The Lancet Microbe Series Chagas Disease 2 Volume 5, Issue 10100946 October 2024
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2024;36: 100821