Buruli ulcer is caused by Mycobacterium and belongs to the family of bacteria that causes tuberculosis and leprosy. Although the causative organism of Buruli ulcer is an environmental bacterium, the mode of transmission to humans remains unknown. The organism produces a unique toxin – mycolactone ...– that causes the damage to the skin. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to minimizing morbidity, costs and prevent long-term disability.
Data available for your search include drug targets, tested compounds, existing drugs, ethnopharmacological plants, and information on the genome of M. ulcerans
Recognizing neglected tropical diseseases through changes on the skin.
App for Android and IOS, free of charge. The App is available in English and French, with plans to explore translations into other languages, such as Portuguese and Spanish, to better serve diverse communities.
A patient's skin... is the first and most visible structure of the body that a healthcare worker encounters during an examination. It is also highly visible to the patient, and any disease that affects it can be felt and has an impact on personal and social wellbeing. The skin is therefore an important entry point for diagnosis and management. Many human diseases are associated with changes in the skin, ranging from symptoms such as itching to changes in colour, feel and appearance.
In the 126 years since it was first described, scientists have learned a great deal about Buruli ulcer, (an ulcerating skin infection caused by the environmental bacterium, Mycobacterium ulcerans), including how to treat it. Yet, there is 1 question about this neglected tropical disease that has rem...ained unanswered: how is M. ulcerans transmitted to humans? In southeastern Australia, where Buruli ulcer is endemic and cases are increasing, researchers are putting together the M. ulcerans transmission puzzle. The more they learn, the better equipped they will be for managing infections.
Datos y cifras
La úlcera de Buruli es una enfermedad crónica y debilitante causada por una micobacteria ambiental: Mycobacterium ulcerans.
Al menos 33 países de clima tropical, subtropical o templado han notificado casos de úlcera de Buruli en África, América del Sur y las regiones... del Pacífico Occidental.
Esta enfermedad suele afectar a la piel, y a veces al hueso, y puede causar desfiguraciones permanentes y discapacidad a largo plazo.
No se conoce el modo de transmisión de la enfermedad y no hay forma de prevenirla.
Principaux faits
L’ulcère de Buruli est une infection chronique débilitante causée par la bactérie Mycobacterium ulcerans.
L’ulcère de Buruli a été signalé dans au moins 33 pays situés dans des régions au climat tropical, subtropical ou tempéré d’Afrique, d’Amérique ...du Sud et du Pacifique occidental.
Cette infection affecte la peau et parfois les os et peut entraîner des déformations et des incapacités permanentes.
Le mode de transmission de cette maladie est inconnu, on ne peut la prévenir.
Key facts
Buruli ulcer is a chronic debilitating disease caused by an environmental Mycobacterium ulcerans.
At least 33 countries with tropical, subtropical and temperate climates have reported Buruli ulcer in Africa, South America and Western Pacific regions.
It often affects the skin an...d sometimes bone and can lead to permanent disfigurement and long-term disability.
The mode of transmission is not known and there is no prevention for the disease.
The Lancet Volume 399, Issue 10327p786-797February 26, 2022
Free download after free registration
Journal of Computational Biophysics and ChemistryVol. 22, No. 01, pp. 31-41 (2023)
This manual details a collaboratively developed intervention to detect and refer Buruli ulcer, Hydrocele, Leprosy
and Lymphedema cases through the use of integrated approaches at community levels. This intervention has
been developed as part of the consortium in partnership with the Nigerian Feder...al Ministry
of Health, and Ogun and Kaduna State Ministries of Health. This manual is designed to assist community and
primary level health workers to identify, refer, diagnose and treat people affected by Buruli ulcer, Hydrocele,
Leprosy and Lymphedema, within the existing patient care pathway
Buruli ulcer is a disease caused by the environmental pathogen Mycobacterium ulcerans that affects skin and soft tissue. It was first described in Australia in 1948 and has been reported in several sub-Saharan African countries since the late 19th century. The disease mainly affects children in rura...l areas and causes lesions and ulcers that can lead to disability if not treated. Recent research has identified a toxin produced by M. ulcerans that may be responsible for the disease's pathogenesis. Efforts are ongoing to understand transmission and develop effective control strategies, including through training of medical professionals and increased detection and treatment of cases.
Buruli ulcer is a chronic, progressive skin disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans. It is currently considered to be one of the neglected tropical diseases; less common than tuberculosis but more common than leprosy. The initial lesion is a painless subcutaneous nodule, usually less... than 5 cm diameter and adherent to skin. The nodule typically breaks down centrally after days to weeks forming an ulcer with undermined edges. Thus, the external appearance of the ulcer underestimates the true size of the affected area. The patient remains well and there is no pain unless secondary bacterial infection occurs. Other forms of M. ulcerans disease include a firm plaque lesions that behaves in the same way as the nodule or an oedematous lesion that is more aggressive and extends rapidly resulting in a very large ulcer.
Any age group can be affected by Buruli ulcer diseases, but the incidence peaks at 5 to 15 years. Ulcers are most frequently on the limbs but can be on the trunk or head, sometimes with catastrophic consequences such as loss of sight or loss of breast or genital tissue. Healing close to a joint can result in contracture, and sometimes there is so much tissue destruction on a limb that amputation is unavoidable. Occasionally osteomyelitis occurs in bone adjacent to a skin lesion but involvement of other organs is rare. Disseminated disease with HIV has been reported.
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Buruli Plaque" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). This video addresses the question of: What is the usual presentation and course of Buruli ulcer... disease?
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Intro to the Module" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). The Buruli ulcer disease is due to infection by Mycobacterium ulcerans. This programme de...scribes the basic pathophysiology of the disease, the typical clinical presentations, and the management of cases with complicated features. The program should be informative for both medical students and practitioners who wish to increase their knowledge about this serious tropical disease.
A guide for field health workers
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Cleaning and Dressing the Ulcer" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). This video addresses the question: How should Buruli ulcers be cleansed and d...ressed?
This video "Buruli Ulcer Disease: Buruli Odema" is part of a multimedia-based module by Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). This video addresses the question of: What is the usual presentation and course of Buruli ulcer ...disease?
Les objectifs de ce document sont de contribuer à ce que l’ulcère de Buruli (infection à Mycobacterium ulcerans) soit mieux reconnu et d’inciter à intensifier les efforts pour détecter les cas à un stade précoce de l’infection. Aujourd’hui, les malades peuvent... être guéris par des antibiotiques s’ils sont diagnostiqués suffisamment tôt, ce qui permet d’éviter des souffrances et des incapacités inutiles. Nous espérons que tous les utilisateurs de ce document participeront à la réalisation de ces objectifs.
This is a series of videos about Buruli ulcer disease from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. These videos were created Richard Phillips, Stephen Sarfo, Emmanuel Adu, Veronica Owusu-Afriyie, and Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). The complete learning module is available throu...gh the African Health OER Network at: http://open.umich.edu/education/med/oernetwork/med/internal/buruli-ulcer/2009.
This manual is for use by doctors, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, National Buruli ulcer Control Programme managers and other health workers involved in the prevention of disability activities in Buruli ulcer. You can download chapters and presentations