Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2024, 9(9), 222;
This protocol is to help researchers working with freshwater gastropods related to the transmission of schistosomes, and particularly those looking at extracting high quality intact DNA for next generation sequencing purposes. This protocol offers a general outline that can be tailored to the conten...ts, purposes and labs that use them, and may require further refinement to fit users’ needs. the manufacturers of any products mentioned or referenced should be contacted for more information on products, and other/alternative products may be available.
he tool will also provide visualization of the results after the SPPA is carried out. This protocol helps to plan surveys and mass drug administration activities that are more efficient and effective than what is done currently. The tool is being piloted in Kenya for schistosomiasis and designed suc...h that it can be expanded to other countries and programs. As of April 2024, you can open the tool to review geographic areas that are more/less environmentally suitable for the transmission of Schistosomiasis, analyze historical prevalence data, and determine which administrative units are to receive practical or precision assessments.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 18(7): e0012282.
This review highlights common diagnostic
approaches for detecting schistosomiasis in field and clinical settings, major challenges,
and provides new and novel opportunities and diagnosis pathways that will be critical in sup-
porting elimination of schistosomi...asis.
A manual for impact assessments. The SCH Practical and Precision Assessment (SPPA) strategy is an evidence-based approach for conducting impact assessments for SCH. The SPPA was identified by programme managers and SCH experts from the African region as a feasible and sufficiently accurate approach ...after reviewing and discussing the results of a multi-country study. This manual describes the resulting Practical and Precision Assessments approach and includes a discussion of the underlying concepts, factors to consider when determining what approach is appropriate, and how to interpret the collected data. The manual also includes annexes with standard operating procedures for conducting the stool and urine analyses.
The objective of this manual is to guide managers of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiases control programmes towards the elimination of these diseases as public health problems informed by evidence generated through monitoring and evaluation of these programmes. The manual complements ...the objectives outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030 (“the road map”) (WHO, 2020a) and the monitoring and evaluation framework (WHO, 2021a), a companion document to the road map.
Brazil Standard Operation Procedures* for the identification of Biomphalaria snails, infectivity and infection status of Biomphalaria snails.
Lancet Infect Dis 2020 Published Online May 5, 2020 S1473-3099(20)30254-1
PLoS Negl TropDis14(10): e0008837. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008837.
We conducted alandscape analysis on parasitic and vector-borne disease elimination approaches with the aim toidentify evidence-based strategies, core components and key concepts for achieving and sustaining schistosom...iasis control and for progressing elimination efforts towards interruption oftransmission insubSaharan Africa.
En los últimos decenios se han logrado avances significativos en el control de la esquistosomiasis así como de las geohelmintiasis, y la OMS ha trazado una hoja de ruta para guiar la aplicación de las políticas y las estrategias planteadas en Accelerating work to overcome the global impact of ne...glected tropical diseases
2nd edition. The purpose of this document is to provide a generic model that can be used for risk assessment of larviciding and mollusciciding; it aims to harmonize the risk assessment of such pesticides for public health use. The assessment considers both adults and children (all age groups) as we...ll as people in the following specific categories:
those handling products and preparing/loading the spray liquid in application equipment;
those applying the spray or other formulations; and
residents who may come into contact with treated waters during washing, bathing, fishing or any other activity, or use the treated waters.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(7): e0004794. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004794
Information for policy-makers and planners on conducting deworming as part of an integrated
school health program
A planner’s guide to proposal development for national school-based deworming programs