Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a category of chronic, disabling, and at times disfiguring diseases and conditions that occur most commonly in the setting of extreme poverty. Historically, NTDs have received less attention and funding when compared to other diseases occurring in the same regi...ons of the world. Several NTDs have internationally agreed upon targets for their control, elimination, and eradication. Nineteen countries in the WHO African Region have successfully eliminated at least one NTD, however recent gap analyses identified moderate to severe gaps across technical, strategy and service delivery, and enabling factors. This report summarizes the findings of a scoping review of published literature undertaken to highlight control, elimination, and eradication efforts towards NTDs across the WHO African Region over the last 30 years.
Halving snakebite morbidity and mortality by 2030 requires countries to develop both prevention and treatment strategies. The paucity of data on the global incidence and severity of snakebite envenoming causes challenges in prioritizing and mobilising resources for snakebite prevention and treatment.... In line with the World Health Organisation’s 2019 Snakebite Strategy, this study sought to investigate Eswatini’s snakebite epidemiology and outcomes, and identify the socio-geographical factors associated with snakebite risk.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Learn about dengue diagnosis and testing guidance.
Website last accessed on 04.06.2023
Website last accessed on 01.07.2023
Snakebite envenoming - WHO official website
Website last accessed on 22.05.2023
Leishmaniasis refers to a diverse group of diseases caused by single-celled parasites called Leishmania. About 12 million people are infected at any one time, causing up to 40,000 deaths annually.
The VALIDATE Network - Vaccine development for complex intra...cellular neglected pathogens
Website last accessed ob 01.07.2023
Snakebite envenoming - WHO official website
The estimated share of people at risk of schistosomiasis who require preventive chemotherapy.
Website - last accessed on 18.03.2023
L’initiative Médicaments contre les Maladies Négligées (DNDi) est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif spécialisée dans la recherche, le développement et la mise à disposition de traitements sûrs, efficaces et abordables aux patients les plus négligés.
Poster on the warning signs of dengue severity. Many people with dengue can be cared for at home with adequate rest and hydration. But go immediately to the nearest medical center if you live in a dengue-prone area, and a few days after getting sick with fever, you experience: a drop in body tempera...ture, accompanied by Intense abdominal pain, restlessness, bleeding gums, fatigue, drowsiness, blood in vomit, and persistent vomiting.
DESDE UN ABORDAJE DE SALUD INTEGRAL Actualización Enero 2023 Neuquén
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
Website last accessed on 04.04.2023
Website last accessed in 23.04.2023
Foodborne trematodiases are caused by parasitic trematode worms. People become infected by eating raw or undercooked fish, crustaceans and vegetables that contain the larval worms.
Website last accessed on 24.03.2023
Education and information about Soil-Transmitted Helminths including Human Hookworm, Roundworm and Whipworm.
Website last accessed ob 14.04.2023
Los trematodos transmitidos por los alimentos son zoonosis y sus patógenos sólo pueden transmitirse al ser humano tras completar un complejo ciclo vital, algunas de cuyas etapas tienen lugar en un hospedador animal intermediario. El primer hospedador interme...diario de todas las especies de trematodos son los caracoles de agua dulce. El segundo hospedador difiere según la especie: en el caso de la clonorquiasis y la opistorquiasis son los peces de agua dulce, y en el de la paragonimiasis, los crustáceos.
Website last accessed on 01.07.2023
The National Deworming Day is an initiative of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to make every child in the country worm free. This is one of the largest public health programs reaching large number of children during a short period.