Con todas estas consideraciones, se han actualizado los aspectos clave de la vigilancia, la detec-
ción, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento, la prevención, el control y la eliminación de la enfermedad,
presentados por comisión de trabajo y ordenados según las conclusiones, las recomendaciones y ...las
acciones propuestas para los próximos dos años.
Video last accessed on 04.06.2023
Video Dailymotion
Rev Panam Salud Publica 2023;47:e141.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
GARC provides tools and training to build in-country skills and knowledge on essential elements of rabies control programmes, enabling countries to strengthen their efforts to eliminate rabies in a systematic way. Our most comprehensive in-country capacity bui...lding has been in the Philippines (at the country level as well as in the provinces of Ilocos Norte and Sorsogon) and Indonesia.
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
El chikungunya se identificó por primera vez en Tanzania en 1952. Desde 2004, se ha producido una rápida propagación del virus chikungunya, que se ha detectado en más de 60 países.
The purpose of this document is to present concise information on the current case definitions for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika proposed by PAHO, as well as information on the clinical phases and severity classification of dengue and chikungunya.
Website last accessed on 08.05.2023
Identificar las formas de transmisión de la leishmaniasis - Youtube Video
The sixteenth meeting of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases (STAG-NTD) was held as a hybrid meeting, 27–28 September 2022.
Dr Ren Minghui, Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage/Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases, welcomed participan...ts to the meeting. He said the World Health Organization’s Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (WHO/NTD) was in a state of transition. Following the death of the late esteemed Director Dr Mwelecele Ntuli Malecela earlier in the year, Dr Gautam Biswas had taken over as Acting Director but would soon retire; the appointment of a new Director was under way. Owing to rotation of STAG-NTD members, this would be the last meeting for some and the first meeting for several new participants. The work however would continue with the same commitment. Discussions over the next two days would focus on critical issues regarding recovery of NTD services following the disruptions caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which had impacted many health services worldwide. He looked forward to receiving the advice and guidance of STAG-N
La atención concedida a la equidad en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible obliga a encontrar nuevas formas de ampliar progresivamente los servicios a las poblaciones que no los reciben. Las alianzas satisfactorias entre el sector encargado del suministro de agua, el saneamiento y la higien...e (WASH, por su sigla en inglés) y los programas de lucha contra las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) pueden contribuir a lograr esta aspiración. Sin embargo, colaborar para encontrar juntos esas nuevas formas, exige nuevos modos de pensar. En esta edición corregida se presenta un conjunto de herramientas para ayudar a los países y los programas de lucha contra la ETD a colaborar con la comunidad relacionada con las acciones de agua, saneamiento e higiene, y guía en la creación de alianzas, en la movilización de recursos y en el diseño, la aplicación y la evaluación de las intervenciones. Más que una guía de “buenas prácticas”, se trata de un conjunto de herramientas basadas en la experiencia adquirida en la realidad de un programa.
Die Initiative Medikamente gegen vernachlässigte Krankheiten (Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, DNDi) ist eine internationale gemeinnützige Organisation, die sichere, wirksame und bezahlbare Behandlungen für die am meisten vernachlässigten Patient:innen erforscht, entwickelt und bereitste...llt.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
WHO often receives requests from Member States and implementing partners to provide training in capacity‐building in endemic areas in order to better equip health personnel to diagnose, treat and control the disease.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
Education and information about hookworm including fact sheets and information on prevention and control, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment.
Prevention recommendations at home. PREVENT dengue, chikungunya and Zika by eliminating mosquito breeding sites and protecting yourself from mosquito bites.
Accessed on 22.04.2023
To target helminth elimination, a new consortium of research institutes, universities, not-for-profit organizations, and pharmaceutical companies have joined forces and expertise to establish a research and development pipeline for the development of anthelminthics nematodes. The focus is on STH as well as onchocerciasis.
Website last accessed on 14.05.2023
Youtube video
Website last accessed in 12.03.23
CDC’s Lauren Greenberg writes about building rabies diagnostic capacity in the effort to control rabies in countries that are most affected by the disease.
Websites last accessed on 31.03.2023
Learn how to protect your pregnancy from dengue.
Phytochem Rev (2023) 22:1691–1806
Plants have a lot of potential and will continue to contribute feasible, effective medicines and/or pesticides; more research is warranted to fully explore their future applications
Children are at high risk of dog bites and contracting rabies. Forty percent of reported rabies cases worldwide are children under the age of fifteen. In our project areas, the proportion of children dying is often even higher. Rabies most often persists in poor communities and rural regions of deve...loping countries in Africa and Asia. If the risks are widely understood and appropriate dog bite treatment is well known – rabies is 100% preventable.