The WHO estimates that 19 million children aged 15 years or younger are visually impaired. Of these, 1.4 million are irreversibly blind and need visual rehabilitation interventions for full psychological and personal development. The remainder have visual problems that could be prevented or treated.... Identifying children with visual problems early in life so that they can benefit from medical and optical interventions remains a key challenge for most child eye health programmes. Reports from various low-and middle-income countries indicate that the age of children undergoing operation for cataract is frequently too high to achieve maximum benefit.
Trachoma is a neglected tropical disease. It occurs in some of the poorest populations with limited access to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare, and is the leading cause of blindness in the world. Based on 2020 data, it is estimated that 137 million people are at risk of trachoma in 44 endemic... countries.
Trachoma is a bacterial eye infection found in poor, isolated communities lacking basic hygiene, clean water, and adequate sanitation.
WASH for Trachoma Elimination (WASH Tra) will contribute in the reduction of Trachomatous inflammation – follicular (TF) to <5% through sustained change in enhanced facial cleanliness and handwashing practices of the community, and use of improved sanitation and integration/mainstreaming of trach...oma and WASH interventions.
Trachoma, caused by particular serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis, is the leading
infectious cause of blindness. Infection is transmitted within ocular and nasal secretions that are passed from person to person on fingers, fomites (such as clothing) and eye-seeking flies (particularly Musca sorbens)....
Ophthalmic infection is associated with an inflammatory conjunctivitis known as “active trachoma”. Repeated episodes of active trachoma can scar the eyelids. In some individuals this leads to trachomatous trichiasis (TT), in which one or more eyelashes on the upper
eyelid touch the eye. TT is extremely painful. It can be corrected surgically, but, if left untreated, may lead to corneal opacification, resulting in vision impairment and blindness.
In 2018, we are celebrating 20 years of progress in eliminating trachoma, the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness. Set up in 1998 by Pfizer Inc. and the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, the International Trachoma Initiative (ITI) supports Ministries of Health in over 30 countries around ...the world by making Zithromax® available for use in public health campaigns to eliminate trachoma. The 20th anniversary of our founding gives us an opportunity to reflect on the distance we’ve traveled in fighting this disease, and raise the ambition for accelerating to a world where diseases like trachoma are a distant memory. We have not traveled alone these past 20 years – a broad coalition of actors including NGOs, the World Health Organization (WHO), Ministries of Health, health workers, and community members have made these incredible achievements possible. Our 20th anniversary gives us an opportunity to celebrate this coalition of partners, colleagues, and friends
International commitment to eliminate trachoma as a public health problem worldwide is supported by resolution WHA51.11 of the World Health Assembly .1 Important progress towards this goal has been made by harnessing the mostly informal relationships that exist between partners including Member, the World Health Organization (WHO), academic institutions, donors and nongovernmental organizations. Recognizing that work remains to be done and that the 2020 target2 for elimination is rapidly approaching, in February 2015 the WHO Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases convened a group of academic institutions that had for many years helped WHO to implement its mandate on trachoma and to work towards establishing a Network of WHO collaborating centres (WHOCCs) for Trachoma. The report of that meeting has been published.
A key component of elimination is to reduce the number
of unmanaged trachomatous trichiasis cases to less than
1 per 1,000 population in affected areas. This will require
not only a large increase in the number of surgeries
performed, but also improvements in the quality of surgery
and in the e...fficiency of surgery provision programs. It also
will require that we make special efforts to reach out to
women and the most marginalized populations, who are
disproportionally affected by trichiasis (TT).
The year 2020 is the target date for the elimination of blinding trachoma as a public health problem. There has been great progress, and there is unprecedented funding available – particularly from DFID, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust, and USAID. There is also reason for optimism that, ...over the next five years, further success will be seen in many endemic countries. In order to achieve elimination,