Document type
Studies & Reports
Authors & Publishers
World Health Organization WHO
Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
Hopkins, D.
Jan, A.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR
National Libary of Medicine
National Library of Medicine
Rawla, P.
Roy, S. et al.
The Cater Center
Weiss, A.
Publication Years
ونادراً ما يسبب داء التنينات الوفاة، بيد أن المصابين به يعجزون عن القيام بأعمالهم على مدى أسابيع وأشهر من الزمن. ويصيب الداء الناس الذين يعيشون في مجتمعات ريفية ومح... more
Considered a neglected tropical disease, Guinea worm disease (dracunculiasis) is a parasitic infection caused by the nematode roundworm parasite Dracunculus medinensis. It is contracted when people consume water from stagnant sources contaminated with Guinea worm larvae. Inside a human's abdomen, Gu... more
La dracunculose est rarement mortelle, mais les personnes touchées peuvent souffrir d’invalidité pendant plusieurs semaines, voire plusieurs mois. La maladie sévit dans des communautés rurales défavorisées et isolées qui sont essentiellement tributaires de points d’eau stagnante superfici... more
About a year after infection, a painful blister forms – 90% of the time on the lower leg – and one or more worms emerge accompanied by a burning sensation. To soothe the burning pain, patients often immerse the infected part of the body in water. The worm(s) then releases thousands of larvae (ba... more
La dracunculosis rara vez es mortal, pero las personas infectadas quedan incapacitadas durante semanas o meses. Afecta a personas de comunidades rurales, desfavorecidas y aisladas que para beber dependen principalmente de fuentes superficiales abiertas en que el agua se estanca, como charcas o estan... more
Дракункулез редко приводит к смертельному исходу, но на много недель и месяцев нарушает нормальное функционирование пораженных инвазией лиц. Проблема затрагивае... more


Rawla, P.; Jan, A. National Library of Medicine (2022) CC
Dracunculiasis, also known as Guinea-worm disease is a parasitic disease caused by the nematode Dracunculus medinensis. The infection is transmitted to humans by drinking water contaminated with the small crustacean copepods (Cyclops) which contain the larvae of D. medinensis. Humans are the princip... more

Progress Toward Global Eradication of Dracunculiasis

Hopkins, D.; Weiss, A.; Roy, S. et al. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR; National Libary of Medicine (2020) CC
Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease), caused by the parasite Dracunculus medinensis, is traditionally acquired by drinking water containing copepods (water fleas) infected with D. medinensis larvae, but in recent years also appears increasingly to be transmitted by eating fish or other aquatic anima... more
Global efforts to eradicate dracunculiasis have continued to progress, with only 542 cases reported in 2012, as compared with 1058 in 2011. It is a long thread-like worm. It is transmitted exclusively when people drink water contaminated with parasite-infected water fl eas. It is now found in some o... more
People with Guinea worm disease (GWD) have no symptoms for about 1 year. Then, the person begins to feel ill. Symptoms can include the following: Slight fever Itchy rash Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Dizziness A blister then develops. This blister can form anywhere on the skin. However, the blis... more