More than 800,000 asylum seekers and migrants have arrived in Europe by sea in 2015, with most traveling onward to northern and western EU countries. According to UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency, 84 percent were from Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia, or Iraq – all countries conflict, widespread violence and insecurity, or countries with highly repressive governments. European Union governments should take urgent action to bring Europe’s response to the refugee challenge, now a full blown EU crisis, in line with their legal responsibilities and stated values.
Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria known as Vibrio cholerae. The main symptoms of this disease are diarrhea and vomiting. Transmission of cholera primarily occurs by consumption of contaminated food or drinking water. In the video, which can be used on smart phones, we describe se...veral techniques that can be used to help prevent cholera, including methods of treating water, washing of hands, and seeking medical advice if/when one has the symptoms of cholera
You can download more than 40 Languages i.e. Arabic; Farsi, Hausa, Igbo, Krio,Lingala, French
Ce film montre comment accoucher et prendre soin d'un nouveau-né et comment réanimer un nouveau-né qui ne respire pas à l'aide d'un sac et d'un masque.
Ce film est destiné à la formation des agents de santé
How do they work in an ICC to prevent or mitigate nosocomial infections?
Are you clear that we can all do something to avoid them?
A simple hand wash can make a difference.
Inés Lavega has a degree in nursing and worked for more than 8 years at the CTI of Hospital Maciel, the first public in Uruguay.
She tells us about the intense work of nursing, to control infections.
Breast pain in a breastfeeding mother is commonly caused by one of three problems: engorgement, blocked ducts, or breast infections. This video shows how to evaluate and treat these 3 conditions.
This film is the Luganda version of 'Food for Life: Breastfeeding' - this was dubbed locally in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
This film is the Somali language version of the English film \\\'Is your child sick?\\\' The film shows how to identify signs of sickness and malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Each of the topics are available as a separate film.
Within the first few hours after birth, most healthy newborns will instinctively move to their mother’s breast and attach on their own. This video shows early breastfeeding initiation through the journeys of 3 newborns and ways to support the practice with mothers and staff.
Swahili Language version of What pregnant women should eat.
It is a film showing what women should try to eat during pregnancy to stay healthy and lower the risk of complications during delivery to themselves and their baby.
La escasez de comida y transporte está haciendo más difícil la asistencia al colegio. Algunos niños, niñas y adolescentes se quedan en el camino por falta de “energía“ para subir la cuesta que significa, meriendas, transporte, uniformes y útiles. Otros continúan su formación escolar má...s allá de las fronteras venezolanas. La emergencia humanitaria se matricula en la escuela.
This film is the Luganda version of 'Food for Life: What Pregnant Women Need to Eat.' The film was dubbed locally in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Swahili language version of How Babies are made.
It is a film explaining male and female reproductive organs and how babies are made.
Somali version of How Babies are made
This is a film aimed at early teens and young adults. It describes what puberty is and how babies are made using a mixture of animation and expert advice as well as from young men and women in Nairobi.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail... and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
Somali version of Focused Antenatal Care for Skilled Healthworkers
Filimada Medical Aid ayaa soo saaray filimkan ku saabsan Xoog saarista Daryeelka Ka hor amase loo yaqaano FANC to sharaxaad looga bixiyo sida barashada wanaagsan inta lagu jiro daryeelka dhalmadu ka hor waxay ka hortagi kartaa dhi...mashada hooyada uurka leh iyo dhawrka maalmood hore ee nolosha cunnuga.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Swahili language version of Warning Signs in Pregnancy. It is a film showing warning signs for women to watch out for during pregnancy and how they can try to avoid complication and illness during pregnancy and childbirth.
Translation thanks to Yussuf Hamad & Ritva Niemi
Swahili version of Manual removal of the placenta (MROP).
Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
Retained placenta can lead to post-partum haemorrhage, which is responsible for a third of all maternal deaths.. This is... a challenging procedure that must be done manually.
Swahili version of How to use a partograph.
Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service
A vital tool for the care of every woman in labour. The partograph is a graphic record of vital observations during the course of labo...ur in order to assess its progress and carry out appropriate interventions if and when necessary. Correct use of the partograph can help prevent and manage prolonged or obstructed labour and serious complications, including ruptured uterus, obstetric fistula, and stillbirth. The partograph was developed in Africa (Zimbabwe in about 1970) and has become adopted worldwide.
Somali version of What and When to Feed Your Child
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)