braz j infect dis 2 0 1 7;2 1(2):162–170
1413-8670/© 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Infectologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
This online learning course is for primary care of children witt TB. It covers clinical presentation, diagnosis, management and prevention of tb in children and HIV/TB co-infection
Mapping Report - Catalonia (Spain).
Towards gender - transformative HIV and TB responses
На пути к гендерно-преобразовательным мерам против ВИЧ и ТБ
Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá 2 y 3 de marzo, 2010
The guide is organized into the major types of toxicities, the associated symp-toms, possible offending medications, and the suggested nursing assessments and interventions. Some symptoms (e.g. nausea) may be associated with a num-ber of underlying causes and may be mild, or a symptom of... a more serious medical situation requiring urgent attention. The pathophysiology for medica-tion-related fatigue and hypersalivation are unclear and these symptoms are not grouped under a specific type of toxicity. Additional information (comments) are provided for each toxicity to highlight relevant clinical information that may assist in management of side effects. Medications more strongly associated with the side effect appear in bold text. The appendices include tools nurses can use to more thoroughly assess patient complaints of pain, depression and neuropathy.
Blueprint for EECA countries, first edition
“It has never been more urgent for us to come together to end HIV and tuberculosis. We achieve the most when we work together, using all of our strengths, harnessing all of our collective potential to end HIV and tuberculosis for a healthier world as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.” ...Michel Sisibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS
The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children.
A survey of prevention, testing and treatment policies and practices
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme
The tuberculosis survival project .. your cure, your life
Accessed November 2017
The END TB Strategy
Интеграция совместного оказания услуг в связи с ТБ и ВИЧ во всеобъемлющий пакет помощи для потребителей инъекционных наркотиков
13280–13285 / PNAS / September 9, 2008 / vol. 105 / no. 36