The number of people at risk from trachoma, the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness, remained stable in 2020 despite disruptions to community-based interventions caused by COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported in its Weekly Epidemiological Record.
3rd edition April 2018 - draft version
This Essential List for Diabetic Retinopathy contains recommendations for a range of essential itemsrequired at community / primary level (for screening); at secondary and tertiary levels (for treatment and follow up). It also contains recommendations for i...tems that are desirable, and efforts should be made to obtain these.
The IAPB School Eye Health Workgroup has released these guidelines to help deliver standardised comprehensive eye health services to more than 700 million children attending schools around the world. These guidelines direct the planning and implementation of school eye health initiatives for policym...akers, health authorities, and related professionals. They emphasize effective, efficient, and sustainable programs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Monitoring and evaluation should be planned from the outset, and existing local guidelines should be integrated.
Disability inclusive practices for strengthening comprehensive eye care
January 2019
Non Communicable Disease Control Programme Directorate General of Health Services Health Services Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
There is a substantial and ever-increasing unmet need for rehabilitation worldwide, which is particularly profound in low- and middle
-income countries. The availability of accessible and affordable rehabilitation is necessary for many people with health conditions to remain as independent as possi...ble, to participate in education, to be economically productive, and fulfil meaningful life roles.
This Eye health strategic plan presents the Ministry of Health’s five
year proposed strategies for eye care in Kenya. It sets the strategic
direction for the National Eye Health Care System and presents
information on the priorities, objectives and indicators that the
Ministry has adopted espe...cially with regard to the main eye diseases
and conditions in the country and health system strengthening.
Cureus 2024 Jan 16;16(1):e52358. doi: 10.7759/cureus.52358
A booklet on how CHWs were addressing eye health across Africa based on desk research and a survey in 23 countries
Politique et plan stratégique intégré de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles (PSIMNT) 2012-2015