Harm Reduction Journal (2016) 13:28
DOI 10.1186/s12954-016-0118-x
NGO Social Contracting
Sustainable Financing of National HIV Responses
A systematic literature review of education systems in low-and middle income countries commissioned by CBM
Mapping Report - Portugal
Everyday experience shows that there is a commonality between spirituality and medical practice. A text message I received from a friend recently read, "Please pray for me. I've been getting a mysterious headache for some days now. I will be seeing the doctor today." This clearly speaks of a relatio...nship: asking for prayer so as to be relieved of a "mysterious headache", yet going to see a doctor whose job is not to cure mysterious headaches. Even though both areas of human experience have their peculiar and largely unrelated methodologies, this paper argues that any extreme separation of the two is injurious to the teleology of both disciplines in relation to human well-being, which forms the core of spirituality and medicine.
Funded by CBM: www.cbm.org