Spanish version of the Landmines, ERW and IED Safety Handbook
This guide is available in following languages:
Arabic, German, English, French, Italien, Persian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish. Go to
A Spanish-translated clinical algorithm for management of suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women
Published:April 09, 2020DOI:
The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Also published in Spanish (2013) with the title: Informe sobre la epilepsia en América Latina y el Caribe - ISBN 978-92-75-31776-1
WHO Factsheet (Spanish version). Updated 02 March 2016
WHO Factsheet (Spanish version). March 2016
WHO Medical Devices Donations - SPANISH Version - Las tecnologías sanitarias son fundamentales en un sistema de salud operativo. Los dispositivos médicos, en concreto, son cruciales para la prevención, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la rehabilitación de enfermedades. Estos documentos están d...irigidos a ingenieros biomédicos, administradores sanitarios,
donantes, organizaciones no gubernamentales e instituciones científicas implicados en la tecnología sanitaria a nivel de distrito, nacional, regional o mundial.
Available in English and Spanish, Hesperian’s comprehensive app on pregnancy and birth contains a wealth of information on:
how to stay healthy during pregnancy
how to recognize danger signs during pregnancy, birth, and
after birth
what to do when a danger sign arises
whe...n to refer a woman to emergency care
instructions for community health workers with step-by-step explanations such as “How to take blood pressure,” “How to treat someone in shock,” “How to stop bleeding.”
Patienteninformation Grippe oder Coronavirus - Spanisch
WHO Fact sheet on Zika virus (Spanish)
Updated: January 2016
WHO Zika Virus - Questions & Answers (Spanish)
CBM Cerebral Palsy Toolkit - Part 1: Flipchart (Spanish)
CBM Primary Health Care toolkit: part 1 (Spanish)
The document is an instructional guide in Spanish on how to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer. It provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for using the device effectively to manage respiratory conditions like asthma. The guide emphasizes the importance of correct technique, prepara...tion of the inhaler, and proper administration to maximize the medication's effectiveness. It also highlights essential points for cleaning the spacer and mentions contacting a healthcare professional for additional assistance or guidance.
Website available in Englisch and Spnish
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Available in Englisch, Spanish and Portuguese
Lecture on Ebola for you to teach your students, share with your faculty and distribute to your friends. The Lecture has been translated by 20 scientific experts into Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Hebrew, Japanese, Malay, Pashtu, Russian, Spanish and Urdu. IPlease go directly to the
How Chagas disease is transmitted video.
Video available with spanish sub title
Video in 15 verschiedenen Sprachen
Deutsch / Englisch / Franzoesisch / Arabisch / Somali / Italienisch / Spanisch / Albanisch / Bosnisch, Kroatisch, Serbisch / Farsi, Persisch, Dari / Mandarin / Portugiesisch / Tamil / Tigrinya / Türkisch