Q1: Are brief psychosocial interventions for people using cannabis or psychostimulants effective in reducing drug use, dependence and harm from drug use?
Available in different languages: English, French, Arabic, Russian
Q10: In individuals with psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia) and bipolar disorders are psychoeducation, family interventions and cognitive-behavioural therapy feasible and effective?
Ghana Med J. 2012 Jun;46(2 Suppl):69-78.
A consolidated set of reproductive health kits for use by humanitarian agencies. These kits are intended to speed up the provision of appropriate reproductive health services in emergency and refugee situations.
В этих новых руководящих принципах рекомендуется использовать упрощенный алгоритм скрининга, основанного на четырех клинических симптомах, для выявления ...иц, которым показана либо ПТИ, либо дальнейшая диагностика для выявления ТБ и других заболеваний.
Mental Health Atlas 2011 - Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization
International Journal of Mental Health Systems2011,5:17http://www.ijmhs.com/content/5/1/17