A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti at 8:30am local time at a depth of around 10km. The epicentre was recorded around 12km northeast of SaintLouis-du-Sud, about 125km west of the capital Port-au-Prince.
● In the aftermath of the devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake that hit Hai...ti on 14 August, authorities report more than 2,200 people dead, at least 344 missing, over 12,000 injured and upwards of 130,000 homes damaged or destroyed.
Annex 5, WHO Technical Report Series 1010, 2018
DG Echo Funding Guidelines
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus, a new coronavirus associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) viruses family and some coronaviruses associated with common cold.
There is still no evidence that persons living with HIV have a higher risk of contracting CO...VID-19 or if they will experience further complications of the disease, in case of contracting it. Nevertheless, it is very important that persons with HIV take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread.
This report summarizes the latest scientific knowledge on the links between exposure to air pollution and adverse health effects in children. It is intended to inform and motivate individual and collective action by health care professionals to prevent damage to children’s health from exposure to ...air pollution.
Air pollution is a major environmental health threat. Exposure to fine particles in both the ambient environment and in the household causes about seven million premature deaths each year. Ambient air pollution alone imposes enormous costs on the global economy, amounting to more than US$ 5 trillion in total welfare losses in 2013.
This public health crisis is receiving more attention, but one critical aspect is often overlooked: how air pollution affects children in uniquely damaging ways. Recent data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) show that air pollution has a vast and terrible impact on child health and survival. Globally, 93% of all children live in environments with air pollution levels above the WHO guidelines (see the full report, Air pollution and child health: prescribing clean air. More than one in every four deaths of children under 5 years of age is directly or indirectly related to environmental risks. Both ambient air pollution and household air pollution contribute to respiratory tract infections that resulted in 543 000 deaths in children under the age of 5 years in 2016.
Das Papier des Deutschen Instituts für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht e.V. beantwortet aktuelle rechtliche Fragen bezüglich des Umgangs der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe mit jungen Geflüchteten und ihren Familien aus der Ukraine
Merkblatt für Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte
Frequently asked questions about the measles protection law
Часті запитання щодо Закону про захист від кору
Закон про захист від кору
Для чого існує Закон про зах...ст від кору?
Кір — це заразне інфекційне захворювання, на яке страж- дають люди. У результаті захворювання на кір у дітей віком до 5 років і дорослих можуть виникати важкі ускладнення.
Mit, nach den Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), 17.533 gemeldeten und 32.000 (21.000-45.000) geschätzten Tuberkulosefällen verzeichnete die Ukraine im Jahr 2020 eine der höchsten Tuberkulose-Inzidenzen in der europäischen WHO-Region.
Die meisten Ausführungen gelten für alle Gefl...chteten, angesichts der aktuellen Lage liegt der Fokus jedoch auf Geflüchteten, die aus der Ukraine nach Deutschland kommen.
During the COVID-19 health crisis, community pharmacists had an enhanced role in supporting health-care systems that were overburdened by managing seriously ill patients. This study was undertaken to determine the patterns of community supply of antiviral and antibacterial agents from community phar...macies during the COVID-19 pandemic in selected countries in eastern Europe and central Asia. Nine countries – Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan – participated in this cross-sectional study.
Mettre fin au choléra- Feuille de route mondiale pour 2030 rend opérationnelle la nouvelle stratégie mondiale de lutte contre le choléra au niveau des pays et fournit une voie concrète vers un monde où le choléra ne représente plus une menace pour la santé publique. En mettant en œuvre la ...stratégie d’ici à 2030, les partenaires du Groupe spécial mondial de lutte contre le choléra (GTFCC) aideront les pays à réduire de 90 % les décès dus au choléra. Avec l’engagement des pays touchés par le choléra, des partenaires techniques et des donateurs, pas moins de 20 pays pourraient éliminer la transmission de la maladie d’ici 2030.
WHOs Special Initiative for Mental Health has supported the availability of mental health services for more than 40 million more people. Learn about WHOs Special Initiative for Mental Health, which seeks to increase access to quality and affordable care for mental health conditions in 12 countries ...for 100 million more people. The initiative is advancing policies, advocacy and human rights, and scaling-up quality interventions and services for people with mental, neurological and substance use conditions.
Adolescence, defined as the period between 10 and 19 years of age, is a developmental stage during which many psychosocial
and mental health challenges emerge (1). Studies show that 34.6% of all mental health disorders begin by 14 years of age and 62.5% by 25 years (2). More broadly, adolescents ar...e also navigating the transition to adulthood, exploring their autonomy and identity as they undergo rapid physical and social changes. In the context of
these significant developmental, physical and social shifts, mental health needs may increase, even for adolescents and young people with no diagnosis.
The primary goal of the guideline is to improve the quality of care and the outcome in people with type 2 diabetes in low-resource settings. It recommends a set of basic interventions to integrate management of diabetes into primary health care. It will serve as basis for development of simple algor...ithms for use by health care staff in primary care in low-resource settings, to reduce the risk of acute and chronic complications of diabetes. The guideline was developed by a group of external and WHO experts, following the WHO process of guideline development. GRADE methodology was used to assess the quality of evidence and decide the strength of the recommendations.
The South African Cystic Fibrosis Association (SACFA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) in South Africa. Their website provides comprehensive information about CF, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. CF is described as an in...herited genetic disorder that primarily affects the lungs and pancreas, leading to the production of thick, sticky mucus that can cause severe respiratory and digestive issues. The site emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and proper management to improve the quality of life for those affected. Additionally, SACFA outlines its mission to raise public awareness, promote medical advancements, and offer support to the CF community through various initiatives and resources.
The article "The silent epidemic of COPD in Africa" discusses the under-recognized yet significant prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Africa. Despite being the third leading cause of death worldwide, COPD remains poorly studied and largely unknown in sub-Saharan Africa. Th...e article highlights risk factors such as tobacco smoking and biomass smoke exposure, which significantly affect both men and women. Biomass smoke, in particular, is linked to COPD in younger individuals and impacts women due to prolonged exposure during cooking. The piece calls for better awareness, training for healthcare providers, and proactive measures to address and manage COPD in the region.