Early damage assessments indicate that at least 800,000 people could be directly exposed to minor to severe damages, including communication, access, security, loss of livelihoods, infrastructure, and health services could be impacted.
According to the latest available estimates, more than 1 in 7 adolescents aged 10–19 is estimated to live with a diagnosed mental disorder globally. Almost 46,000 adolescents die from suicide each year, among the top five causes of death for their age group. Meanwhile, wide gaps persist between me...ntal health needs and mental health funding. The report finds that about 2 per cent of government health budgets are allocated to mental health spending globally.
The full report , excecutive summary, brief reports are available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic athttps://www.unicef.org/reports/state-worlds-children-2021?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=media&utm_campaign=sowc-web
Baseline total population and population density in Communes in earthquake affected areas, together with earthquake shake map
In der Videoreihe "Corona Wissen kompakt" werden verschiedene Fragestellungen zum Coronavirus behandelt. In dieser Folge geht es um die Möglichkeiten, sich und seine Mitmenschen zu schützen. 10 Videos zu AHA Regeln, Masken, Ansteckung, Symptome,Quarantäne, Testen, etc.
Leitfaden für Ärzt:innen im Patient:innen- und Bürger:innengespräch
Informationen rund um die Corona-Schutzimpfung
This publication provides recommendations for the management of critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 being treated in intensive care units (ICUs) in the Americas. These clinical practice guidelines provide evidence-informed recommendations for identifying markers and mortality risk factors in... critically ill patients, as well as infection control, sample collection, supportive care (respiratory and hemodynamic), pharmacological treatment, early rehabilitation, diagnostic imaging use, prevention of complications, and discharge requirements. The recommendations are for all health care staff caring for patients in emergency departments and ICUs. These guidelines are also intended for use by decisionmakers and government entities involved in the management of patients with COVID-19 in ICUs in the Region of the Americas.
Internews in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is producing this weekly bulletin – Iliyo Semeka (“What was said” in Swahili) to respond to rumors and misinformation about COVID-19. The project is implemented in four regions in DRC – all in the provinces.
The HIV/AIDS Sustainability Index Dashboard is a tool completed every two years by President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) teams, host government and partner stakeholders to sharpen the understanding of each country’s sustainability landscape and to assist PEPFAR and other donors in ...making informed HIV/AIDS investment decisions. Based on responses to more than 100 questions, the SID assesses the current state of sustainability of national HIV/AIDS responses across 17 critical elements. Scores for these elements are displayed on a color-coded dashboard, together with contextual charts and information. As the SID is completed over time,
it will allow stakeholders to track progress and gaps across these key components of financial and programmatic sustainability.
This report presents the key findings of the NFHS-5 in West Bengal, followed by detailed tables and an appendix on sampling errors. At the time of finalization of this report, wealth quintiles for the country as a whole were not ready. Therefore, on finalization of the national report, the breakup o...f key indicators by wealth quintiles for all states will be provided as an additional document and uploaded on the official website of MoHFW and IIPS.
Preparasyon Fanmi Ou pou
Katastwòf ak Ijans
Prepare, Planifye, Chèche Enfòmasyon
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar descriptivamente cómo la pandemia afectó a las empresas en Chile, empleando para ello información tributaria de contribuyentes de primera categoría para los años 2019 y 2020.
Die neuen Podcast-Folgen werden dienstags gegen 17 Uhr veröffentlicht. Neben Christian Drosten, dem Leiter der Virologie an der Berliner Charité, ist Sandra Ciesek, Direktorin des Instituts für Medizinische Virologie am Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt am Main, ein regelmäßiger Gesprächsgast.
...Seit Ende Februar 2020 beantwortet Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten (Leiter der Virologie an der Berliner Charité) Fragen zur aktuellen Situation, erklärt Zusammenhänge und schildert, wie er diese Monate persönlich erlebt. Anfang September kam Prof. Dr. Sandra Ciesek (Leiterin der Virologie des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt) als Gesprächsgast dazu.
medPPE es una aplicación para dispositivos iOS y Android donde el personal de salud encontrará la información necesaria sobre los equipos de protección personal (EPP) sugeridos por la OPS/OMS, que deben ser utilizados de acuerdo con la función y la actividad que desempeña en el proceso de aten...ción de pacientes con enfermedades, como la COVID-19, transmitidas por gotas y contacto, o durante procedimientos generadores de aerosoles.
Es importante recordar que usar el EPP no es suficiente para estar protegido y que son varias las condiciones a considerar, tales como: seguir las indicaciones sobre el tipo de EPP a utilizar, usarlo por el tiempo y de la manera adecuada, conocer y señalar los flujos de pacientes establecidos, igual que los procedimientos de atención que va a realizar.
Hay que cumplir con las medidas de higiene de manos y con los procedimientos de vestido-desvestido de los EPP y la disposición y manejo de residuos. Es igualmente importante difundir la información y mantener el entrenamiento al personal sanitario y a los funcionarios administrativos. Además, se debe señalizar los flujos de circulación, e informar y educar a los pacientes y allegados.
Puede descargar el aplicativo para iOS e Android
International Migration 2020 Highlights presents key facts and messages regarding international migration globally and by region during 2000-2020, based on the 2020 revision of the international migrant stock data set, which provides updated estimates of numbers of persons living outside their count...ry of birth, classified by age, sex and origin, for 232 countries and areas. This Highlights also reviews policies and programmes to promote planned and well-managed migration and provides an overview of SDG indicator 10.7.2 on the number of countries with migration policies to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, used for measuring progress toward the achievement of SDG target 10.7.
You can download this paper and the full report in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian ans Spanish
The case for evidence- based communication of science
This publication summarizes the facilitators and barriers that will be encountered in the deinstitutionalization process and identifies useful and proven interventions in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Four areas of work are identified with the respective guidelines or suggestions for actio...n, which should provide an operational guide for countries that are restructuring mental health services and moving toward the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric care.
28 January 2021. The purpose of this document is to provide interim guidance on laboratory biosafety related to the testing of clinical specimens of patients.