abridged version, March 2021
he study highlights the impacts of COVID-19 on women and men as gleaned from research conducted during 2020, as well as the Computer Assisted Telephonic Interviews (CATI) Rapid Gender Assessments (RGAs) executed by UN Women, UNFPA and partners in seven countries in the ...East and Southern Africa region.
This report of the EFSA and ECDC presents the results of zoonoses monitoring activities carried out in 2020 in 27 EU Member States (MS) and nine non-MS. Key statistics on zoonoses and zoonotic agents in humans, food, animals and feed are provided and interpreted historically.
Lancet Glob Health 2021; 9: e782–92
medPPE é um aplicativo para dispositivos iOS e Android em que o trabalhador de saúde encontrará as informações necessárias sobre equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) sugeridos pela OPAS/OMS, que devem ser utilizadas de acordo com o papel e atividade que desempenha no cuidado de paciente...s com doenças, como a COVID-19, transmitidas por gotas e contato, ou durante procedimentos de geração de aerossóis (PGA).
Medidas de higiene das mãos e procedimentos de retirada do EPI e o descarte e o gerenciamento de resíduos devem ser cumpridos. É igualmente importante disseminar informações e manter a formação de trabalhadores da saúde e funcionários administrativos. Além disso, os fluxos de circulação devem ser sinalizados, e pacientes e familiares informados e educados.
Você pode baixar o aplicativo para iOS e Android
This video was created to encourage co-workers to talk to one another about adhering to COVID-19 precautions. JHU CCP Pakistan is facilitating the Labor Standards Programme of GIZ Pakistan in its behavior change efforts focused on industrial workers, particularly those working in the textile sector.... The well-known characters of Billo and Dhiloo, who have been featured in other videos educating the workers on other work safety topics,are back with important information regarding COVID-19.
La tuberculosis o TB es una enfermedad causada por la bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Esta bacteria por lo general ataca a los pulmones, pero también puede atacar otras partes del cuerpo, como los riñones, la columna vertebral y el cerebro. Si no se trata apropiadamente, la tuberculosis... puede ser mortal.
This manual details a collaboratively developed intervention to detect and refer Buruli ulcer, Hydrocele, Leprosy
and Lymphedema cases through the use of integrated approaches at community levels. This intervention has
been developed as part of the consortium in partnership with the Nigerian Feder...al Ministry
of Health, and Ogun and Kaduna State Ministries of Health. This manual is designed to assist community and
primary level health workers to identify, refer, diagnose and treat people affected by Buruli ulcer, Hydrocele,
Leprosy and Lymphedema, within the existing patient care pathway
Noch Wochen und Monate nach Erkrankung an COVID-19 können gesundheitliche Langzeitfolgen bestehen. Welche Symptome treten bei Long COVID auf? Wer kann betroffen sein? Wie lassen sich Spätfolgen einer Infektion mit dem Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 vermeiden?
Mit diesen Hilfen werden medizinische Teams in den Impfzentren und medizinisches Personal unterstützt: detaillierte Impf-Anamnese in Wort und Bild auf vier Seiten, Leitfaden zum effizienten Patientenmanagement vor Ort, wichtige Hintergrund-Infos zu möglichen Nebenwirkungen, hygienisch laminiert. ... Es gibt zahlreiche Übersetzungen für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
Nichts ist so wichtig wie eine funktionierende Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient. Unser Hauptfokus liegt hierbei auf Menschen, die wenig bis kein Deutsch können (oftmals mit Migrationshintergrund). Diesen muss vor Ort oder im Pflegeheim erklärt werden, was die Impfung gegen COVID-19 bedeutet. Und zuvor sollte eine ausführliche Impf-Anamnese erfolgen, die wir Ihnen hiermit ermöglichen.
Sie können die verschiedenen Sprachen hier https://medguide.world/de/bestell bestellen.
Analysis of fake news disseminated during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
21 May 2021. Iinkcukacha neengcebiso ezilungiselelwe emakhaya:
Available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa
Here you can download Infographics & Posters for Communication and Medica Actions
The latest update (28 January 2021) includes the following addition and revision:
biosafety aspects for working with antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic test;
handling new variants of SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory;
updated assay decontamination before disposal;
personal protectiv...e equipment (PPE) for specimen collection;
addressing chemical hazards and their safe disposal; and
the fourth edition of the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (LBM4) is now available and the terminology in this guidance was aligned with the LBM4.
12 countries have a high TB estimated burden with an incidence rate more than 45 per 100 000 population They represent 88 of the cases in the Region
In 2019 the TB case detection gap in the Region was 52 500 cases