La publicación consta de 20 láminas, mostrando lámina por lámina, cerciorándose que el paciente comprenda correctamente los mensajes, para ello usa palabras sencillas, pregunta al paciente y respuestas escuchadas.
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -5
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -4
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -2
Department of Technical Support Services, Division of Laboratory Services, Ministry of Health
First Revised Edition
March 2000
Chapter 13 in Stone, E. (ed.) 1999: Disability and Development: Learning from action and research on disability in the majority world, Leeds: The Disability Press pp. 210-227
Burkina Faso has approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and is divided into 30 provinces. The study took place in the districts of Tougan, Nouna, and Solenzo, in provinces Sourou and Kossi, in north-west Burkina Faso. There is one medical centre in every district capital and 6 to 14 health centres i...n the surrounding villages. Each health centre covers a population of 10 000 to 15 000. The staff of one health centre generally consists of one nurse, a nurse aid and a midwife as well as one drug vendor for the nearby village pharmacy. The health personnel are trained and paid by the state.
ACT to provide for employment equity; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Security of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Equipments
Part 3: Use Safe Burial Practices
CHAPTER 206 | An Act to establish a national drug policy and a national drug authority to ensure the availability, at all times, of essential, efficacious and cost-effective drugs to the entire population of Uganda, as a means of providing satisfactory health care and safeguarding the appropriate us...e of drugs.