La Tripanosomiasis Americana o Enfermedad de Chagas es una antropozoonosis,
es decir una enfermedad que afecta tanto al hombre como a numerosos animales
mamíferos y que es producida por un protozoario flagelado de la sangre y de los
tejidos el Trypanosoma cruzi.
Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on Organization of Regional Health Crisis Center in Indonesia
Guidance book for health workers who working in the handling of health crisis caused by natural disasters in Indonesia.
This manual refers to international standards.
The study analyses the intersection of gender with disability issues by combining economic and social analysis across four states in India by using both quantitative and qualitative methods including gender analysis of disability budgets.
The coastal regions of Bangladesh are hit by cyclones regularly. The country has evolved, in the face of repetitious calamities, a disaster preparedness programme. The major response to cyclones has been the building of cyclone shelters, which also double as community centers and schools. While thes...e cyclone shelters have proved to be useful, they are more in the nature of disaster management, that is, they are measures that come in useful particularly in the event of a cyclone. The approach of this study has been to look at existing houses and the process of building and maintaining these houses in the face of frequent cyclonic storms and storm surges, and gather information on shared knowledge and collective experiences of the people in all aspects of house building. The aim of this study is to find ways to make traditional structures more cyclone resistant and less prone to wind damage.
A report submitted to the International Labour Organization, Geneva
Resultados de Encuestas en Hogares y Establecimientos de Venta, 2007