Most health care-associated infections are preventable through good hand hygiene – cleaning hands at the right times and in the right way. The WHO Guidelines on hand hygiene in health care support hand hygiene promotion and improvement in health care facilities worldwide and are complemented by th...e WHO multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy, the guide to implementation, and implementation toolkit, which contain many ready-to-use practical tools. This module has been prepared to help summarize the WHO guidelines on hand hygiene, associated tools and ideas for effective implementation.
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La plupart des infections associées aux soins de santé peuvent être évitées grâce à une bonne hygiène des mains - se laver les mains au bon moment et de la bonne manière. Les directives de l'OMS sur l'hygiène des mains lors des soins de santé soutiennent la promotion et l'amélioration de... l'hygiène des mains dans les établissements de santé du monde entier. À ces directives s’ajoutent la stratégie multimodale d'amélioration de l'hygiène des mains de l'OMS, le guide de mise en œuvre et la boîte à outils de mise en œuvre, qui contient de nombreux outils pratiques prêts à l'emploi. Ce module a été développé pour aider à résumer les directives de l'OMS sur l'hygiène des mains ainsi que les outils et idées associés pour une mise en œuvre efficace.
All health-care workers require clear and comprehensive training and education on the importance of hand hygiene, the "My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene" approach and the correct procedures for handrubbing and handwashing. The following tools and resources are meant to support bridging the knowledge gap... and for you to adopt and adapt to support local improvement.
An information package for school staff
Personne ne va dans un établissement de soins de santé pour tomber malade. On s’y rend pour se faire soigner, pour accoucher
ou pour se faire vacciner. Cependant, des centaines de millions de personnes s’exposent à un risque accru d’infection en cherchant à obtenir des soins dans des éta...blissements de santé dépourvus de produits de première nécessité, notamment de services d’approvisionnement en eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène, de gestion des déchets biomédicaux et de nettoyage (services WASH). L’absence de services WASH dans les établissements de santé compromet la sécurité et la dignité des patients, tout en menaçant d’exacerber la propagation d’infections résistantes aux agents antimicrobiens et en fragilisant les efforts déployés pour améliorer la santé des enfants et des mères.
Creating Videos to train health workers and serve communities.
Global Health Media Project designs and develops videos that are tailored to the needs of health workers and populations in low-resource settings. Internet and mobile technology give us the power to reach large numbers, cost-effectively... and across vast distances, resulting in significant impact at minimal cost per patient.
Soapbox Collaborative has launched a new training package called TEACH CLEAN, which is a package for those that clean health care facilities in low- and middle-income countries.
The TEACH CLEAN package presents information and materials required to deliver comprehensive, participatory training on s...afe environmental cleaning, applying aspects of essential IPC for these tasks. The package is tailored towards use with low-literate cleaning staff but can be applied to wider facility staff.
To request a copy of the TEACH CLEAN Package, or supporting materials, please complete the online form.
This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance to NTD programme managers and partners on how to engage and work collaboratively with the WASH community to improve delivery of water, sanitation and hygien...e services to underserved population affected by many neglected tropical diseases. The toolkit is based on real-life programme experience, which users can match to their needs and local context. It includes a series of tools to help build multisectoral partnerships, mobilize resources, and design, implement and evaluate interventions.
This instructional video from the World Health Organization explains the evidence-based core components of infection prevention and control programmes, critical at both the national and acute health care facility level for patient safety and for health systems to provide quality care. This video is ...brought to life by interviews from people in the field across a range of countries and describes the importance of the eight core components one by one. It will be a great addition to health care training sessions and the information is a key part of the infection prevention and control implementation and improvement process.
This guidance document sets out a methodology to identify and track financing to the WASH sector in a coherent and consistent manner across several countries. It is designed to help countries track financing to the WASH sector on a regular and comparable basis and analyse this information to support... evidence-based policy-making based on useful indicators.
The WHO/IWA document A practical guide to auditing water safety plans provides guidance on developing and implementing a WSP auditing scheme, covering such topics as the aim and role of auditing, auditor training and certification, audit criteria, audit timing and frequency and audit reportin...g. The guidance document includes examples, tips, tools and case studies from more than a dozen low-, middle-, and high-income countries, and it serves as a practical resource for policy makers, government bodies responsible for drinking-water regulation or surveillance and water suppliers implementing WSPs.
•Definir la Higiene de manos y las infecciones adquiridas en los hospitales (HAIs).
•Describir el impacto negativo de las HAIs en pacientes dados de alta.
•Discutir cómo la higiene de manos puede prevenir los HAIs.
•Identificar las barreras para el cumplimiento de la higiene d...e las manos.
•Describir los ”5 momentos de la Higiene de Manos”
•Identificar las formas de promover la higiene de manos en el hospital.
•Demostrar las técnicas apropiadas de la higiene de manos.
•Revise la lista de control de higiene de las manos
The development of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools guidelines for TimorLeste is a landmark moment in our quest to make every school child-friendly – a place where every child can learn, play and grow with pride and dignity. The overarching goal is to improve health, boost education... achievement and promote gender equity in our schools.
The guidelines set clear levels of acceptable standards for water supply, provision of sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion in schools and provide a common framework and policy direction for all sub-sector actors. Therefore, all implementing agencies, managers, planners, architects, water and sanitation technicians, teaching staff, school directors, school boards, district WASH committees, local authorities and other relevant bodies should consult these guidelines, when making implementation plans.