Ces recommandations temporaires sont émises à l’intention des États Parties qui font face à une transmission du virus de la mpox (MPXV), y compris, sans que cette liste soit exhaustive, ceux touchés par une transmission communautaire persistante et ceux où l’on observe des groupes de cas o...u des cas sporadiques d’infection par le clade Ib du MPXV liés à des voyages.
interim guidance, 25 November 2024
On 14 August 2024, the Director-General of the World Health Organization determined that the upsurge of mpox in a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a new public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)
This is the 42nd situation report for the multi-country outbreak of mpox, which provides an update on the epidemiological situation of mpox in Africa (including countries in the WHO African Region and some countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region), with data as of 3 November 2024.
The monkeypox virus (MPXV) clade I epidemic that has been affecting the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(DRC) since November 2023 has recently spread to several other African countries including Burundi, Rwanda,
Uganda and Kenya. The size of these outbreaks could be larger than reported due to un...der-ascertainment and
This document serves to provide interim guidance/ recommendations to carry out mpox surveillance activities mainly case investigation, contact tracing and isolation. For the development of this document WHO, UKHSA and CDC guidelines were referred to and adopted within the country context.
WHO has updated the mpox Case reporting form (CRF) and data collection tool, mainly by reducing the number of variables. A detailed list of changes is presented in the file. The content of the Case investigation form (CIF) has not been changed.
WHO invites Member States, health facilities and other entities to participate in the global effort to collect anonymized clinical data relating to suspected or confirmed cases of monkeypox and contribute data to the WHO Global Clinical Platform.
WHO has developed a clinical characterization case ...report forms (CRF) to standardize data collection of clinical features of monkeypox among outpatient and hospitalized cases.
For onboarding to the WHO Global Clinical Platform for monkeypox, please contact: monkeypox_clinicaldataplatform@who.int
Interim rapid response guidance, 10 June 2022.
It includes considerations for certain populations such as patients with mild disease with considerations for community care, patients with moderate to severe disease, sexually active persons, pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and young persons.... The guidance also addresses considerations for clinical management such as the use of therapeutics, nutritional support, mental health services, and post-infection follow-up.
The document provides guidance for clinicians, health facility managers, health workers and infection prevention and control practitioners including but not limited to those working in primary care clinics, sexual health clinics, emergency departments, infectious diseases clinics, genitourinary clinics, dermatology clinics, maternity services, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology and acute care facilities that provide care for patients with suspected or confirmed monkeypox
Interim rapid response guidance, 10 June 2022.
It includes considerations for certain populations such as patients with mild disease with considerations for community care, patients with moderate to severe disease, sexually active persons, pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and young persons.... The guidance also addresses considerations for clinical management such as the use of therapeutics, nutritional support, mental health services, and post-infection follow-up.
The document provides guidance for clinicians, health facility managers, health workers and infection prevention and control practitioners including but not limited to those working in primary care clinics, sexual health clinics, emergency departments, infectious diseases clinics, genitourinary clinics, dermatology clinics, maternity services, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology and acute care facilities that provide care for patients with suspected or confirmed monkeypox
19 August 2022. A monkeypox case investigation form (CIF) has been designed as a tool for Member States and researchers to conduct in-depth epidemiological investigation of suspected, probable and confirmed cases of monkeypox. This form allows to collect data prospectively or retrospectively for bot...h cases and their contacts. The full form is meant to serve as a tool for in-country use and the data are not required to be reported to WHO.
Nach dem derzeitigen Informationsstand sind aktuell humane Infektionen durch das Affenpockenvirus (monkeypox virus, MPX) in einigen Regionen der Welt einschließlich mehreren europäischen Ländern aufgetreten. Die Daten belegen eine Mensch-zu-Mensch-Übertragung unter bestimmten Bedingungen. Die Ü...bertragung von MPX von Mensch zu Mensch erfolgt in der Regel durch engen Haut- bzw. Schleimhautkontakt mit infektiösem Material aus den Hautläsionen einer infizierten Person, sowie – seltener – durch respiratorische Tröpfchen/Sekrete z.B. bei längerem Kontakt von Angesicht zu Angesicht oder durch kontaminierte Gegenstände und Oberflächen. Bei diesem Erreger ist besonders zu beachten, dass Partikel des Affenpockenvirus eingebettet in Sekreten bzw. getrocknet an Hautschuppen bzw. Schorfpartikeln für längere Zeiträume infektiös sein können, was eine sorgfältige und umfassende Reinigung und Desinfektion der Patientenumgebung bzw. der Oberflächen notwendig macht.