Planetary Health
Document type
Online Courses
Training Material
Resource Platforms
Countries / Regions
South–East Asia Region
Authors & Publishers
World Health Organization WHO
CARE Climate and Resilience Academy
Deutsche Allianz für Klimawandel und Gesundheit
Future Learn
Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education
Harvard University
Madeleine Sittner
Open WHO
Pia Sophie Schüler
Planetary Health Academy
Sauerborn, R. and S.H. Goulet
SDG Academy
Southeast Asia One Health University Network, et al.
Stockholm Resilience Centre
UN CC Learn
University of Basel, Switzerland
University of Geneva, Institute Pasteur, University of Montreal and Centre Virchow-Villermé
World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Climate Tracker
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Publication Years
Capacity Building
Key Resources
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) continue to cause hardship and harm to over one billion people worldwide, burdening individuals, families and communities who are already marginalized and disadvantaged. Taking a One Health approach that recognizes the relationship between human, animal, and enviro... more
Can our planet continue to support the current scope of human activity?
These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) explore the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and interviews with scholars, religious leaders, and environmental practitioners from around ... more
This 4 week course will cover Climate Change and Emerging Clinical Challenges, Health Equity and Social Justice, Climate Solutions for the Healthcare Sector, and Communicating about Climate Change. Students will learn about recognizing, managing, and mitigating the many-faceted consequences of clima... more
Facing the global nutrition challenges, the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed up with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to design, under the guidance of the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development (NHD), a Nutrition Knowledge Hub. By building the techni... more
Die Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit (KLUG) gründete sich im Oktober 2017 als Netzwerk von Einzelpersonen, Organisationen und Verbänden aus dem gesamten Gesundheitsbereich. Dazu vernetzen sich die Akteure quer zu Sektoren und Hierarchien in der gesamten Gesellschaft und werden insbeson... more
There are not many world citizens who do not have their children’s and their own health as a top priority. So why is health not more prominent topic in the debate on climate change and its impacts? We hear a lot about polar bears and smokestacks in the media, but very little on the many and the la... more
14 One Health Modules: learning better respones to complex health problems
ONLINE COURSES are free and self-paced courses, accessible 24/7 for people within and outside CARE. LEARNING JOURNEYS are subscription-based interactive online trainings that combine online courses, peer to peer exchanges and coaching. TRAINER PACKS for trainers and facilitators containing editab... more
This set of competencies reflects foundational climate and health knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes for health professions students to mitigate the health impacts of climate change. Intended as a guide for developing climate and health education in health professions schools’ curricula, ... more
The Planetary Health Academy offers diverse educational formats for knowledge acquisition and empowerment for transformative action in the context of Planetary Health.
Online platforms offer a range of courses and materials to support your climate change learning. This section presents a curated list of key e-learning and knowledge-sharing platforms.
This free online course on Climate Change Negotiations and Health features key information on climate change and its impacts on human health, provides an overview of the international climate change negotiations so far, and considers entry points to address health issues and priorities within climat... more
Become familiar with One Health, a promising concept, and the effective solutions it provides for urgent health problems.
Over the next 8 weeks, you will explore and learn about some of the major and current Global Health Challenges at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface: zoonotic emerging infections (e.g. Ebola, Nipah, MERS, Avian Influenza), antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases (e.g. rabies, leishma... more
„Der Klimawandel ist die größte Gefahr des 21. Jahrhunderts für die globale Gesundheit“ – das schreibt der Lancet, eine der ältesten und renommiertesten Fachzeitschriften der Medizin. Was steckt dahinter? In diesem Podcast erklären wir, auf welchem Stand wir klimatechnisch gerade sind, we... more
Online Course This online course is geared to professionals from human, animal or environmental health sectors involved in the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005). At the end of this course, you will be able to: - Describe the One Health approach and principles of mult... more