the one-stop shop online resource for cancer planners. Here you can find a library of resouces for develop a national cancre control plan, statistics, stay updated, technical assistance and you can discover on an interactive map cancer and NCD plans, as well as country profiles
Devant le nombre grandissant de personnes diagnostiquées d’un cancer et de décès qui y sont associés, les soins palliatifs gagnent en importance pour améliorer la qualité de vie et soutenir la personne et sa famille durant leurs expériences de santé. Dans ce contexte, l’intégration pré...coce des soins palliatifs aux soins oncologiques standards semble être une approche sous-utilisée et novatrice qui pourrait répondre aux besoins spécifiques de la clientèle oncologique palliative. Les infirmières en oncologie doivent assumer un rôle crucial en dispensant des soins tout au long de la trajectoire de la maladie, soins palliatifs compris. Le but de cette revue rapide est de synthétiser et présenter les avantages des interventions de soins palliatifs précoces et de décrire leurs caractéristiques. La recherche documentaire sur CINAHL et PubMed a fait ressortir cinq essais randomisés réalisés entre 2010 et 2018, qui ont été analysés. La majorité des études sélectionnées ont conclu que l’intégration précoce des soins palliatifs aux soins oncologiques standards, tels que la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie, permettrait d’améliorer la qualité de vie, les symptômes anxiodépressifs et la survie globale. Mots-clés : soins palliatifs, soins palliatifs précoces, intervention, cancer, oncologie
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 4: Symptom Management
Series Quality of Life for Children with Cancer: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 5: Caring for the Caregiver
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 8: End-of-Life Care
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 2: Care at Home
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer: Modules on Pediatric Palliative Care. Module 3: Quality of life in hospitalized children with cancer.
As countries commit to achieving universal health coverage, it is imperative to ensure that the design and delivery of palliative care services place attention on quality of care, with action needed across all domains of quality health services: effectiveness, safety, people-centredness, timeliness,... equity, integration and efficiency. Providing compassionate, dignified and people-centred palliative care is an ethical responsibility of health systems.
This document provides a practical resource to support implementation of sustainable improvements in the quality of palliative care. It describes approaches to quality policy, strategy and planning for palliative care programmes and services, presents learning on quality of care arising from palliative care programmes, and offers considerations on measurement of quality palliative care services at all levels of the health system. The document also highlights relevant WHO resources available that further support the development of quality palliative care services.
The audience for this document is a general one that includes policy-makers, palliative care service planners, managers, practitioners and health care providers at all levels.
Palliative care in COVID-19 patients - 27 January 2021
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 7: Spirituality
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 6: Communication
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 1: Overview of paediatric palliative care
Open Journal of Nursing, 2020, 10, 617-635
Guidelines on the management of chronic pain in children, developing and implementing national and local policies for pain management and protocols in children, implementing national and local regulations for pain management in children, pain management and protocols