This chronology of facts has challenged public health systems worldwide and regulatory bodies are no exception. Regulatory authorities with mechanisms in place to authorize the use of investigational products had to development guidelines and procedures, create task forces and alliances to maximize ...the efficiency of assessment, review and authorizations of medical products. Vaccines are undoubtedly the most complex medical products to develop, from concept to a stage where sufficient evidence of quality, safety and efficacy are collected to provide an assurance that their use will provide more benefits than risks when used in the context of a public health emergency.
Interim Guidance October 2022. This addendum addresses some of the methodological aspects of VE evaluations that have been learned during the past year, as well as those that have become relevant in the current epidemiological setting of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some of the COVID-19 vaccine method...ology issues there are still insufficient data to make a recommendation, in which case different options for approaching VE evaluations are presented.
29 April 2022
What are the new vaccines in the pipeline? What are the challenges to turning vaccines into vaccination ? What timelines can we expect for future vaccines? WHO’s Dr Katherine O’Brien explains in Science in 5.
The COVID-19 vaccine tracker and landscape compiles detailed information of each COVID-19 vaccine candidate in development by closely monitoring their progress through the pipeline.
The COVID-19 vaccine tracker:
Provides summary tables of COVID-19 vaccine candidates in both clinical and pre-...clinical development;
Provides analysis and visualization for several COVID-19 vaccine candidate categories;
Tracks the progress of each vaccine from pre-clinical, Phase 1, Phase 2 through to Phase 3 efficacy studies and including Phase 4 registered as interventional studies;
Provides links to published reports on safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data of the vaccine candidates;
Includes information on key attributes of each vaccine candidate and
Allows users to search for COVID-19 vaccines through various criteria such as vaccine platform, schedule of vaccination, route of administration, developer, trial phase and clinical endpoints.
The database is updated regularly - twice a week (Tuesday and Friday, 17:00 CET).
COVID Reference 23 May 2021
Many critical questions remain about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in real-world settings. These questions can only be answered in post-introduction vaccine effectiveness studies.This guidance document outlines an approach to leverage existing surveillance systems for Severe Acute Respirato...ry Infection (SARI) to estimate COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) in preventing SARI associated with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 using existing SARI surveillance systems. The approach uses the test-negative design to evaluate VE; cases are SARI patients who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, and controls are SARI patients who tested negative for SARS-CoV-2.
February 2021.
Improving our response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in Africa requires regularly updated information, constant innovation, and considerable support towards research and development (R&D) for priorities that respond to the African realities. Shaping the research agenda and stimula...ting the generation, translation, and dissemination of valuable knowledge is one of the core functions of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), African Centre for Disease Control (Africa CDC), and WHO-AFRO. We need answers to a list of critical research questions that respond to the current realities on the African continent to guide the COVID-19 outbreak control efforts
COVID Reference 23 May 2021
21 Dec 2021. Slideset updated regularly to include the latest data and guidance on COVID-19 vaccines, including implications of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is evaluating potential COVID-19 treatments and vaccines to enable promising medicines to reach patients as soon as possible. It is also interacting with medicine developers and making use of real-world data to monitor the safety and effectiveness of medicines use...d in patients with COVID-19.
Ausführliche Informationen zu klinischen Prüfungen und Risiken für bestimmte Gruppen sowie zu Wechselwirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Impfstoffen und Arzneimitteln zu COVID-19 und SARS-CoV-2
Ausführliche Informationen zu klinischen Prüfungen und Risiken für bestimmte Gruppe sowie zu Wechselwirkungen und Nebenwirkungen.
A collection of resources on Covid-19 vaccines, including frequently asked questions, continuing medical education, published research, and commentary.
Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness
17 March 2021
The conduct of COVID-19 vaccine trials in the context of a candidate vaccine being issued with Emergency Use Designation raises challenging ethical questions, including in relation to the use of placebo controls and unblinding of trial participants in current and future COVID-19 vaccine trials. This... policy brief was developed by the WHO Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Ethics & Governance Working Group, to provide guidance for researchers, sponsors, regulators, research ethics committees, and policy-makers, on these and related issues.