Document type
Training Material
Countries / Regions
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Authors & Publishers
Health Emergencies Programme
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Health Emergency Programme
Wolrd Health Organisation (WHO)
World Health Organisation (WHO)
World Health Organization WHO
Publication Years
This drill package is part of a broader COVID-19 simulation exercise package, including vaccine tabletop exercises(TTX). For exercises to be most effective, it is recommended they should be part of a comprehensive programme made up of progressively complex exercises, each exercise ... more
To support countries’ preparedness effort on the COVID-19 outbreak, the Department of Health Security Preparedness at the WHO headquarters has developed various COVID-19 tabletop exercise (TTX) and Drills (DR) packages . If you need technical support to implement any of the exercises listed on th... more
Évaluation des participants| COVID-19 TTX Vos commentaires nous aideront à maintenir et à améliorer la qualité et la pertinence des futurs exercices de simulation.
The Table Top (TTX) COVID-19 exercise is a tool that has been developed to assist Governments and Agencies in the process of strengthening plans and policies with the intention of being able to identify and contain and outbreak of COVID19 in the country. The TTX Simulation is designed to support the... more
General Objectives 1. Share information on the progress of your preparation, including response capabilities, plans and procedures to identify and respond to an imported case of COVID-19 in your country. 2. Identify areas of interdependence between health actors and other sectors 3. Conduct g... more
Общие цели 1. Распространить информацию о ходе подготовки, в том числе о потенциале в области реагирования и планах и процедурах реагирования в целях выявления за... more
Objectifs généraux 1. Partager des informations sur l'avancement de la préparation, y compris les capacités de réponse, les plans et les procédures pour identifier et répondre à des cas de COVID-19 dans votre pays. 2. Identifier les domaines d'interdépendance entre les acteurs de la san... more
L'exercice de table COVID-19 (TTX) est un package de simulation qui utilise un scénario progressif ainsi qu'une série d'injects spécifiques pour permettre aux participants de considérer l'impact potentiel d'une épidémie sur les plans, procédures et capacités existants. Le TTX a pour objectif... more

COVID-19: IPC Simulation Exercise

World Health Organisation (WHO) Health Emergencies Programme (2020) C_WHO
General Objectives 1. Share information on practices on IPC for endemic colonization in a tertiary facility and how those precautions could evolve based on the progress of the event, then further integrating response capabilities, plans and procedures to triage and implement source control measure... more
L’exercice COVID-19 de Table Top (TTX) est un outil qui a été développé pour aider les gouvernements et les organismes à renforcer les plans et les politiques dans le but d’identifier, de contenir l’apparation de cas de COVID-19 dans le pays. La simulation TTX est conçue pour soutenir l... more
Participants’ Evaluation | COVID-19 TTX Your feedback will assist us to maintain and improve the quality and relevance of future simulation exercises.
The COVID-19 Table-Top Exercise (TTX) is a simulation package which uses a progressive scenario together with series of scripted specific injects to enable participants to consider the potential impact of an outbreak in terms of existing plans, procedures and capacities. The aim of the TTX is to st... more