Please find here the latest daily updates of the PAHO Region
Paraguay se encuentra en el centro de América del Sur; limita con Argentina, Bolivia y Brasil.
Acessed on 15.08.2022
Recursos de información COVID-19 - Argentina - OPS/OMS | Organización Panamericana de la Salud
Acessed on 15.08.2022
Estudio sobre los efectos en la salud mental de personas gestantes por COVID-19
Unsere Infoboxen zeigen das Ansteckungs-, Erkrankungs- und Sterberisiko für Menschen verschiedenen Alters, wenn sie in Kontakt mit dem Influenza- oder Corona-Virus kommen (z.B. durch engen Kontakt mit einem infizierten Haushaltsmitglied) und die Risiken eines engen Kontaktes für Menschen verschied...enen Alters, wenn man selbst mit dem Influenza- oder Corona-Virus infiziert ist.
Zu jeder Infobox finden Sie im Begleittext Hintergrundinformationen zur Erstellung und zu den dahinter liegenden Daten.
Offical Website COVID-19 Dashboards, Situation Updates and Guidelines Rwanda
This guide includes sections dedicated to Lebanon, AUB and AUBMC. In addition to international and regional academic sources and articles, the guide includes webinars, reports, maps, videos, and a section for Faculty, Staff and Students highlighting the available online tools & resources to continue... their respective tasks from home. Mental Health management and TeleHealth have been highlighted as well, in addition to a section for Open Educational Resources, one for information on the Vaccine as well as the effect of this outbreak on the Economy.
Navegue pelos dados do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, com informações estratégicas e conheça tudo sobre a COVID-19 de forma transparente e analítica
This guide provides valuable resources for both, Healthcare Professionals (physicians, nurses and practitioners) and Health Consumers about the COVID-19 outbreak and recent research related to this topic.
Communication Resources Bank of the National Ministry of Health | Materials for Health Teams