Aktuelle Fallzahlen Deutschland und weltweit, werden täglich aktualisiert
Detaillierte Fallzahlen in Deutschland: Dashboard
Eine detaillierte Darstellung der übermittelten COVID-19-Fälle in Deutschland nach Landkreis und Bundesland stellt das COVID-19-Dashboard (https://corona.rki.de) bereit
The new global scenario in times of COVID-19 makes it necessary to take urgent measures and assess the impacts they will have. ECLAC has built this Observatory to support review and follow-up over the medium and long terms and at the request of CELAC. The Observatory tracks the public policies that ...the 33 countries of the Latin America and Caribbean region are implementing to limit the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and offers analyses of the economic and social impacts that these policies will have at the national and sectoral levels.
This interactive dashboard/map provides the latest global numbers and numbers by country of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis.
Daily reports on COVID-19 in Argentina
Interactive Map
You’ve probably noticed that the map has been evolving along with the virus. Now, it sports new layers of data—including a close-up section on the US, with details on testing, hospitalizations, and country-level demographic data.
The map provides “more nuance on what’s h...appening to support decision-making.
For example, the new details can help prepare hospitals to better anticipate staffing and resource shortages
Данные за недели (x-я неделя эпидемии)
Current data on the COVID-19 situation in the WHO European Region
In our Data Explorer you can see our COVID-19 vaccination data — you can also visualize the latest data on confirmed cases, deaths, and testing.
age- and sex-disaggregated data May 2021; Global COVID-19 data on the number of cases and deaths among children and adolescents are limited, which makes it challenging to understand the many ways in which children and young people are being affected by the pandemic. To shed light on the situation, t...his dashboard presents age- and sex-disaggregated confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths based on the COVerAGE database.
Find here the latest information
The data on the coronavirus pandemic is updated daily